Spiritual Insight Into Witchcraft Dreams

 It is pretty common for those under witchcraft attacks to have dreams where a person or persons are continually fighting them in their dreams.

Consequently, in more aggressive witchcraft attacks, the victim would experience constant dreams of animals, particularly dogs, attacking them or attempting to attack them. Now, I would like to be crystal clear about what I'm about to say before proceeding further.

The people or even animals attacking you or attempting to attack you in your dream are evil spirits assigned to attack you. Therefore the level of attacks you experience in your dreams will equal the level of unexplained opposition you will participate in in reality. For instance, let's say you dreamed that you were fighting a group of men. There are two critical pieces of information that the dream is revealing. Firstly, the group of men attacking you shows not just problems in your day-to-day life. But those problems will not be your everyday problems; instead, they will be compounded. Here are a few examples, You woke up to your smoke alarm due to some electrical fire in your home after addressing that issue. You ended up in a car accident totaling your vehicle. Only to return home to discover your partner wants a divorce, even though there were no signs of the separation coming.
The second important information exposed in the dream is that you are making no progress while the men are attacking.
This reveals the spirit of stagnation at work in your spiritual life that will manifest stagnation in your day-to-day life if not challenged via prayer and fasting.

If you would recall, I have said on numerous occasions that our spiritual life is on an ongoing basis dictating the course of our physical or natural life. At the same time, this is the crux of sorcery/witchcraft. The idea behind witchcraft is to fight a person spiritually by following certain rituals and ceremonies required by the evil spirit to enlist their services. Of course, this will require a spiritual covenant between the practitioner and the spirits.
Once the agreement/covenant is achieved, the conjured evil spirits must still submit to the rules of the spirit world as it relates to their victim. In other words, the spirits, no matter how powerful they are, can not attack without a spiritually legal cause. "The curse without a cause shall not come" Proverbs 26:2. Hence, these same spirits are spiritually observing their victim's life, mainly for unconfessed sins, ancestral covenants, curses, or anything in violation of God's law. For this reason and this reason alone, I say to folks that if witchcraft is active in your life, then based on spiritual rules, what is going on in your life that provides cause for it?

Most victims would have dreamed that they were being chased by a person, a group of people, strange men, or animals. Again, I would say to them not only does their dream spells witchcraft attacks, but the dream is also revealing why. The spiritual rules are clear when it says, "the wicked flee when no man pursues him, but the righteous are as bold as a lion" Proverbs 28:1. Again, the dreamer must ask themselves, "Why was I running in my dream from whoever was pursuing me?" What evil could be in my life that provides the legal rights for the attack?

So, back to dreaming of dogs. Like I said earlier, those attacked by witchcraft will commonly have dreams about being chased or attacked by dogs. Again, the dogs are evil spirits. However, the type and size of the dogs would also determine the level of attacks opposing you. I want to reiterate that the activities revealed in your dreams are actual events challenging your spiritual life that will directly impact your day-to-day life. If you've had dreams where puppies were attacking you. Such a dream is revealing tormenting spirits have been assigned to torment you. The physical evidence of this witchcraft attack was based on the dream. The victim will have a significant bout with frustration, fatigue, anxiety, and anger beyond what is natural for them.

On the other hand, if the victim dreamed that they saw a pit bull attacking them. Such a dream reveals significant real-life difficulties. In fact, after such a dream, the victim would have problems recalling their dreams, and the more they attempt to remember their dream, the more scattered their dream becomes. Again, these are all signs of witchcraft attacks levied against the victim. In the victim's day-to-day life, they should expect confusion in just about every environment they enter. Secondly, their life would be a spirit of rejection. This specific spirit ensures that the victim is always rejected by those supposed to be a source of favor, opportunity, resources, etc. This is then followed up by a spirit of abandonment. In this case, the victim is overcome by loneliness, confusion, and racing evil thoughts, particularly thoughts of death accompanied by severe depression. Again, it is the victim's spirit that's being attacked and not their physical being by these witchcraft spirits manifesting such behavior in the victim.

If, during the victims' dream, they were bitten by a dog or any animal. Then the victim's physical body will begin to manifest strange unexplained illnesses. For example, they could experience unusual swellings in different body parts. More commonly, the victim would start to mysteriously age or appear older than they are. Some victims experience discoloration on their faces, accompanied by certain skin diseases that seem almost unable to cure. The idea here is to ultimately send the victim out of their mind. Another sign that will indicate that whoever is projecting witchcraft attacks the intent is to cause them to lose their mind. The victim would have frequent dreams where they misplace or lose their vehicle in their dreams. A similar dream would be where the victim is always dreaming about the roof of their home or a roof leaking or strange men working on a roof, but rather than fixing the roof, they're destroying the roof or never seem to be able to complete the roof.
Friends, these are just some dreams that will indicate witchcraft or some form of sorcery working against you. However, you must always be mindful that you are being fought spiritually. Whatever happens to you physically is just the manifestation of what was achieved in the spiritual realm against you.

To overcome such evil, it is a must that you subscribe to righteous living. In lamens terms, if you are not a Believer of Jesus Christ, then you are automatically susceptible to witchcraft attacks. If you are a Believer of Jesus Christ, but there is unconfessed sin in your life, evil ancestral covenants, or a participant in witchcraft. You're equally susceptible to witchcraft attacks. I am often asked, can a person that is not a Believer of Jesus Christ be delivered from witchcraft attacks? Well, the answer is yes. However, it will only be a matter of time before those spirits return due to the person not having any spiritual protection, which is provided to all believers of Christ, according to Ephesians 6:11-17. Therefore it would be in the best interest of the unsaved person that was delivered to accept Christ as their savior to enjoy the spiritual benefits of being a Believer of Jesus Christ.

Finally, true deliverance from witchcraft will require "FASTING." The scriptures have made it crystal clear that not only are there different ranks when it comes to evil spirits but different methods of removing them. There is an interesting story in Matthew 17 concerning a young man possessed by evil spirits. This story revealed that the disciples who attempted to heal the young man failed by using prayer alone. Jesus eventually healed the young man. When asked by His disciples why they could not cast out the evil spirits from the young man. Jesus replied, "This kind will only come out by fasting and prayer. The word "kind" in Jesus' response suggests a higher level, rank, breed, or type of evil spirit, which he clearly revealed can be removed only via the protocol of prayer and fasting.

Minister Kevin Ewing



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