I Will Not Have You Ignorant of The Devil's Devices

Someone this morning is and has been significantly challenged by not being able to complete projects they've started. You're feeling a sense of being overwhelmed and frustrated. Sometimes you don't even know where to begin.

In fact, you could be at work, church, or even at a friend's house, and you would map out in your mind the things you know you have to do when you get home. As a matter of fact, at that moment, you are enthusiastic about performing or completing it. However, for some reason, when you arrive home, you lose all your zeal, and you quickly slip into a state of laziness and become disinterested in doing everything you've planned.

You have made many commitments, obligations, and promises that seem impossible to fulfill for others. Hence, you follow the same old non-productive process and put it off for another day. Then some of you are just going, going with little sleep and little rest folks are pulling you from every direction, accompanied by the foolish belief that you have to satisfy everybody. You are at a point where you know you need rest, but the distractions prevent you from resting or even sleeping.....Well, my friend, it is you God wants to speak to this morning.

GOD SAID TO TELL YOU THAT THE ENEMY HAS PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS AND HAS WAGED A FULL ASSAULT ON YOUR MIND! He said to tell you that the Enemy has devised specific evil forces to work against you and disable you so that failure will be your portion. The first force would be the Enemy allowing you to plan and build up your hopes and enthusiasm for certain things. Then through the spirit of procrastination, he causes you to put it off day after day, then finally, he forces you to take note of what you haven't accomplished and how difficult it will be to accomplish. So now he joins you with the spirits of frustration and inadequacy. This Devil dude is relentlessly pursuing you, but his primary strategy is subtly attacking your mind!

God said you must repeat the following scriptures to yourself and into the atmosphere, "

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" 2 Corinthians 2:11

He said to remind the Devil that he is a liar John 8:44

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace 1Corinthians 14:33

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee, Isaiah 26:3

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them, Psalm 119:165

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world, 1 John 4:4

Heavenly Father, we, the Believers of Jesus Christ, your only begotten son, humbly ask you to permanently disable the devices of Satan, particularly the spirit of procrastination, inadequacy, failure, lack of enthusiasm, and defeat. Your word declares that the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead also resides in us, Romans 8:11. Father, your word further encourages us that greater is He that dwells in us than he that is in the world, 1John 4:4. Lord we will continue to believe until we see the manifestation of your word that says, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13. Father God, hear our prayers and check us on anything in our hearts that would cause you not to listen to us, In the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Minister Kevin L A Ewing

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