The mystery behind your breakthrough

Many of you are patiently waiting on your breakthrough. You've petitioned God relentlessly for this big turnaround in your life. But Can I tell you that God answered your request, but you may have rejected his provision because it did not come packaged as expected?

As a reminder, God's word is his law. Whenever we request something from God, the protocol to his provision will always be his attempt to get us to participate in his law. You reject his word when you deny the protocol to his provision.

One of God's laws states, "He that gives SHALL increase" Proverbs 11:24. Another law says, "If we give, it shall be given unto us" Luke 6:38. With that said, you have been asking God repeatedly to turn your finances around and bless you beyond more than enough so that you don't ever again find yourself in this unfortunate position.

After your prayer, a homeless person approaches you a few hours later, and you immediately ignore them. The bank is getting ready to foreclose on your home, so you become even more desperate in your prayers, asking God why isn't he answering you. The next day you're on social media, and you discover that a friend of yours established a "GoFund Me" account because they're about to be evicted with no place to live or resources to assist themselves. However, you scrolled onto the next person's social media page, totally ignoring your friend in their time of need.

The moral of this story is this. You could pray from now till thy kingdom come. You could cry and ball out to God about how desperate you need that financial breakthrough. The Pastor could pour half a gallon of olive oil until he almost drowns you. BUT! If you believe you could bypass the laws of God and have your needs met, then something is apparently wrong with you!

As it relates to the above scenario, God wants us to pray, but he also wants us to participate in his law. I promise you if you are asking God for financial assistance, then mysteriously, someone approaches you with a need. This is not a coincidence. Instead, it is the same God you've been begging for a breakthrough. In fact, he heard you from the first time you made your request. He sent your answer to the person who solicited you for some spear change. Had you given it to him, it would have been the protocol of your financial breakthrough to be released? Again, the law says, "Give and it "SHALL" be given." The law further states, "If you give you "SHALL" increase.

Your breakthrough has been taking forever because you've been a non-giver forever. As a reminder, faith without works is dead! Now that you've prayed fasted, joined hands in agreement, give your neighbor hi5, spin around 7 times, and rest. NOW IT'S TIME TO PRACTICE THE LAWS OF GOD THAT WILL ULTIMATELY RELEASE THE PROMISES OF GOD!

~Kevin L A Ewing!

The Churches Of Grand Bahama are under Severe Spiritual Attack


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