A greater revelation concerning the spirit of poverty

In all my years of ministry, I can surely say that ignorance by far of the spirit realm is the most disabling agents of spiritual warfare for most Christians.

On the other hand, God has outfitted everyone with the free gift of dreaming. While we may not recall our dreams or understand our dreams. The reality is our dreams provide us with the spiritual intelligence of what is being concocted in the spirit world either against us or for us. A perfect example of this would be found in the story of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ! In Matthew 2:13, the scripture stated that an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream warning him to take the child (baby Jesus) and flee to Egypt and to remain there until further advised. Now, most folks would have shrugged this off as just a dream giving no real significance to it. Nevertheless, Joseph's dream which was spiritual revealed his spirit being advised by another spirit. In this case, an angel of pending events that would not be favorable for Joseph and his family and that he should leave his current residence at one and travel into Egypt.

With the above understanding in mind. What could your dreams be revealing to you that you dismissed simply because you lack the understanding of what is being revealed to you?

Using the scenario of Joseph's dream as a reference, I would like to engage in a brief teaching concerning dreams that symbolize the spirit of poverty, debt, and financial difficulty. Now, before I proceed any further. It is important that we understand that the symbols, signs, and actions are actually revealing the activity of spirits. In this case the spirit of poverty that is at the root of financial difficulties.

As a reminder, because everything formerly happens in the spirit realm before its manifestation in our natural world. The spirit world would also have to achieve our cooperation or agreement to begin the process of manifestation of what was conceived in the spirit realm. Therefore, if you have had dreams where you saw yourself spending monies lavishly. Then your dream is revealing that you're spending your spiritual blessing which would automatically indicate that there will be a financial lack for you in the natural realm. Remember the spiritual law which says, "God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly or spiritual places, Ephesians 1:3. Please take note that the word blessings in the text is prefixed with the word "SPIRITUAL." The word spiritual would suggest our original blessings to produce physical blessings in its raw state is not tangible. Instead, it is indeed invisible. Nevertheless, whatever you decide to do with your spiritual blessings will mirror what happens to you in your everyday life which we refer to as the natural realm.

Another symbol or action of the spirit of poverty at work in the spirit realm against you would be dreams where you see your home being sold or you're not the owner of your home in your dream. This, my friend, is revealing significant financial losses for you. A home would be one of if not the most costly investment a person or family would invest in. Therefore, to have it taken away from you in your dreams is clearly not a good sign and should be addressed with prayer and fasting. This revelation would be the same if your car went missing in your dream. If you've had a dream where you saw yourself dressed as rags or wearing well worn out shoes or basically dressed like a homeless person. Then your dream is revealing the spirit of poverty vigorously and relentlessly attacking your life. Prayer and fasting would be a must to combat this spirit. The scripture states that "This kind will only leave your life through prayer and fasting" Matthew 17:21.

Have you ever had a dream where you're walking around barefooted, or your pockets are filled with holes or your wallet or purse leaking change or losing money? Again, such symbols or actions are revealing financial losses for you spiritually that if you do not challenge such dreams, you will begin to experience the physical manifestation of economic losses in your everyday life. I must add here that such dreams could also be revealing the spiritual source of your current financial dilemma.

What about dreams where you've lost a significant amount of money or dreams where some stranger is giving you old dirty money or funds of different nations in a disorganized order. Again, these are all signs and actions of evil spirits, specifically the spirit of poverty attempting to introduce confusion, disorder and ultimately financial losses to your life. If you've had a dream where you see yourself buying things right after you've experienced a real life financial miracle. Then know for sure the spirit of poverty is preparing to launch an attack on you. Have you had dreams where you saw yourself picking up coins, or it appeared as if you found large or small sums of money in an unknown place or you've discovered money buried in the ground. Indeed this is a spiritual manipulation by the spirit of poverty to achieve your agreement in the dream for it to run its course in your life. As a reminder, spiritual manifestation occurs when that which is spirit completes an agreement with mankind. From the kingdom of darkness perspective, these agreements are usually achieved subtly and manipulatively. Therefore, the moment you collected the money you are literally coming in agreement with the spirit of poverty to run its course in your life to begin the cycles of financial losses.

Have you experienced dreams where a deceased friend or relative gave you instruction on how to win a lottery or some form of money game? What about dreams where your deceased friend or loved one gave you money? My friend, these deceased folks that appeared to be your loved ones or friend are masquerading spirit. The masquerading spirit is really the spirit of poverty attempting to deceive you to introduce poverty to your life. However, they need your cooperation to seal an agreement or covenant to have the legal right to oppress you financially.

Have you had dreams, where you were locked out of a bank, or you were on a bank line but the moment you were to be served next either the Teller closed her station or refused to help you? Such a dream is revealing blockages or the hijacking of your financial blessings. This revelation would be the same if you were at the ATM (Automatic banking machine) attempting to withdraw some funds. However, either the electricity was cut off, or your ATM card would not work.

If you've had dreams where you saw someone that you are familiar with or even a stranger removing stuff from your home. Then your dream is revealing either someone you do know or do not know stealing your spiritual blessing by placing financial curses on you. The real life evidence of this would be strangers losses of not only your monies but your material goods. Equivalent to this would be dreams where your enemy is placing money in your hand or directing you to collect funds from some strange place. Also, if you observe your enemy in your dreams "praying" over your money or speaking in an unknown language over your money. Then know for sure your finances are cursed spiritually by either your enemy.

As it relates to real life issues. If you discover that every year at a particular time you experience the same financial losses or difficulty. Again, this is evidence that the spirit of poverty is operating against you and you must fast and pray to break any covenant or agreement that you may have ignorantly established in a dream or someone cursing you financially.

Last but certainly not least, most of the financial hardship that we face especially if we observe this same consistent negative financial pattern in our immediate and extended families. Then apparently we're being challenged with generational curses by the spirit of poverty. In such a case we must repent of the sins, transgressions, and iniquities of our ancestors especially those that engaged in the ritual of Freemason, Eastern Star, witchcraft, etc. It would have been these covenants, pledges, allegiance, and oaths made outside the commandments of God that have covertly secured the spirit of poverty in our lives.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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