The Error Of Misinterpreting Your Dreams

Daily, I am bombarded by any number of folks seeking insight into their dreams. In fact, most of them actually never took their dreams seriously until either they came across something I wrote concerning dreams, or there was some dream that was so frightening, they desperately needed insight into it.

I've recently had the unfortunate experience of interpreting someone's dream after the dream's events had manifested in this person's life. Amazingly, this person said that they decide not to call me when they had the dream because they interpreted the dream to be a good dream. They assumed that God was showing them through the dream that even though they were experiencing complications at the time, everything was going to work out fine.

Anyway, I got this call, in which I was asked to interpret a dream. Now the person that called me I knew to be pregnant at the time. Anyway, the lady said that this dream she wanted me to interpret occurred while she was in the hospital, and the reason was due to some complications she was having with her baby. She went on to say that in her dream, she dreamed that her father came to visit her. While he was standing by her bedside, she said that a nurse also approached her bedside, asking her if she was ready. The lady asked the nurse what she was talking about because her doctor gave her strict orders to stay in bed. The nurse insisted that the Doctor said she must exercise. The lady said that all of a sudden, another nurse entered the room with what seems to be a premature baby and the baby was unusually small. In fact, the baby was so tiny it was lying in the palm of the nurse’s hand. The lady then asked the nurse whose baby was it, which the nurse replied that it was her baby. The lady said she was very excited and that the nurse rests the baby on her chest; the dream ended.

This lady insisted that I help her with her dream and that she really needed clarity because, as far as she was concerned at that time that it was a good dream. Well, I paused for a while and told the lady that this was certainly not a good dream. She immediately asked why I would conclude that it was not a good dream. I further explained that the setting of the dream, along with its characters, is all wrong and that she was overlooking the obvious signs of the dream that made it a bad dream. Firstly, in reality, your doctors have ordered you to stay in bed due to your complications, but the nurse insists that you exercise in your dream. Secondly, in reality, you're in the hospital because you're experiencing difficulty with your pregnancy, but yet a "nurse" shows up with what she claims is your premature baby in her hand. Firstly, you should have asked yourself, How is it you were not aware you gave birth. Secondly, where was the doctor in all of this? Thirdly, why weren't you tired from the supposed delivery and finally who doctor gives orders to exercises after having a baby?

I emphasized that the entire dream is spiritual, revealing what was about to take place or pending with the not so obvious being shown to her. I told her that the women in her dream were witches and the man that appeared to be her father was a familiar spirit pretending to be her father, again only to achieve her trust and confidence in her dream. The witches had stolen her baby, which automatically meant she would lose the baby in reality if she doesn’t rebuke and cancel the dream. The mere fact that she'd accepted the baby in the dream from the nurse spiritually indicated that she agreed to everything that she was manipulated into believing. As a reminder, for things to manifest from the spirit realm to our natural realm, there must be an agreement between spiritual and natural. Unfortunately, in the kingdom of darkness, securing such agreements are, for the most part, covert and deceptive.

All of a sudden, I heard a piercing scream on the other end of the phone line, saying, "I lost my baby." The lady then revealed that she had lost her baby and that she had miscarried while she was in the hospital and that the dream was revealed to her the night leading to her miscarriage. She further added that she was convinced that it was a good dream and that God gave her the dream to confirm that everything would work out fine despite her complications. She said that she was so upset with God after the miscarriage that she didn't want to hear anything about the bible, prayer, or scriptures about all things working together for good.

Friends, this is just another case of a lack of spiritual knowledge that prevented this lady from acting upon the spiritual intelligence being revealed in her dream. While God had revealed to this lady what the enemy, along with his human agents, had done in the spirit realm, she had the opportunity of canceling and rebuking it to prevent manifestation in the natural realm. I advised this lady to pray specifically against the spirit of witchcraft, miscarriage, and demonic manipulation. I told her that she must retrieve scriptures from the bible that speak against witchcraft works and include these scriptures in her prayers along with scriptural promises about our seed. Still, before all of this, she must cover herself and her family with the whole armor of God, simply because the scriptures said that it is this armor that will cause us to stand against the wiles of the devil, Ephesians 6:11,13.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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