Spiritual warfare against the spirit of procrastination

  One of the fundamental principles of spiritual warfare is the law of resistance. This law indicates a few things, and they are. 1) We must resist whatever is challenging us spiritually. 2) If we do not oppose, then whatever is challenging us will eventually overcome us. 3) By not resisting what is challenging us, then by default, we are giving it the right to remain and rule in our lives. Finally, 4) By activating the law of spiritual resistance, whatever is resisting us MUST FLEE!

This spiritual law of resistance says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7. The word submit means to give over or yield to the power or authority. So to be successful in the second part of the spiritual principle of James 4:7. We must first relinquish our way of doing things and yield to the power and authority of God to withstand the spiritual forces that are resisting us.

So, in essence, we don't resist our spiritual opponents by saying, "Go away, devil," or saying, "leave me alone, Satan." Instead, it's done by submitting to God. It indicates that we must take his word and resist the devil and his agents by speaking it against them. To suggest otherwise would suggest that we are doing it our way, and scripture clearly says that there is a way that may seem right to us, but at the end of that way, we are guaranteed failure and destruction, Proverbs 16:25 and Proverbs 12:14.

I mentioned all of that to get to what the Lord laid on my heart for someone today challenged by "PROCRASTINATION." The enemy of your soul has been having a field day with your life by endorsing that you never ever complete the things you've started or get to work on something you know you need to be doing. You either become exhausted, sleepy, frustrated or naturally lose the desire to complete assigned or essential tasks. Your life has become an utter mess due to unfinished or things you have yet to address. The spirit of procrastination has overwhelmed you with the desire and pleasure of putting it off for another time, and you know just as well as I do that task will never get done.

The Lord told you that to overcome this nagging and frustrating spirit, you must initiate the process by submitting to God. He said also remind you that we are co-laborers with him, 1 Corinthians 3:9 and that you are guaranteed failure if you continue to fight this stubborn spirit on your own.

From this moment forward, you must speak the word of God against the spirit of procrastination. For example, "Spirit of procrastination, I can and will do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13" "Spirit of procrastination there is a greater force in me than any evil force attempting to influence me" 1 John 4:4. "Spirit of procrastination, the word of God, says, "We must work the works of him who sent us while it is day; night is coming when no one can work" John 9:4. "Spirit of procrastination the word of God says that whatever my hand finds to do, do it with your might" Eccl. 9:10. 

"Spirit of procrastination, I reject your subtle influence that would usually cause me to neglect what I should be doing. I decree and declare to you that according to the word of God, Jesus Christ has Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, there for your subtle evil influence WILL NOT WORK TODAY!" Colossians 2:14. "Spirits of procrastination and confusion I agree with the word against you that says all things should be done decently and in order" 1 Corinthians 14:40. "Spirit of procrastination I will obey God's word that says, do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it"—when you have it with you" Proverbs 3:28.

Friends, this is spiritual warfare against the spirit of procrastination. God will deliver you if you co-labor with him by decreeing his word. As a reminder, the process of deliverance begins and ends with KNOWLEDGE! Proverbs 11:9

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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