You will continue to be curse if you obey man's lies rather than God's truth

Listen, Folks! Please read your bibles wisely, and I promise you will see absolutely no such thing as sowing "Pentecost financial seed" in scripture for financial breakthrough.

I have never in my life, like now, observed the commercializing and merchandising of holy days by church folks. Pentecost seed, Firstfruit seed, Passover seed, Resurrection seed, and the list is endless. Very little is said about repentance, getting your heart right, forgiving others, living right, etc. Instead, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is vastly being replaced with miracle cloths, miracle oils, the sowing financial seed for prosperity and healing, etc. I am just so sick and tired of these shameless religious leaders preying on the ignorance of those that fail to read the scriptures for themselves.

Look! I know that all organizations need resources, particularly finances, to exist. This is clear to me. However, I observe specific televised religious programs or churches spending 30 minutes to an hour using gimmicks and special holy observance days and labeling those particular days as special days to sow financial seeds for a breakthrough. I wonder if I am the only one observing these non-biblical events. If you need funds, Mr. Preacher, to purchase a new church bus, add a new wing to your church, funds to continue the soup kitchen that the church sponsors, then just ASK! You don't have to create lies, tricks gimmicks to get my money. Isn't it God that brings the increase and not you, Mr. Preacher?

I always wondered if these religious observance days were specific seed sowing days. Why was it not mentioned in the old or New Testaments when God first commissioned those particular days that a specific seed sowing practice should occur during these religious observances? I never read in scripture where Jesus told his followers and Disciples to sow a special seed on Passover or any other holy day. Okay, so maybe Jesus Forgot, then what about Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon? I have yet to read in scripture any of these men of God suggested a special seed on a religious observance day. Folks! Please wake up before you're left with absolutely nothing to your name and die as a pauper.

How long, my friend, will you allow these "Mammon lovers" to maintain a financial curse on you by doing what scripture did not say? These folks will never encourage you to read your bibles simply because you'll quickly discover that so much of what they've told you was misleading.

The following scriptures will be the end result of those that subscribe to such false prophets:

"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD" Jeremiah 17:5

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, out of the holy city, and from the things written in this book" Revelation 22:19.

"The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead" Proverbs 21:16.

"He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination" Proverbs 28:9

Study to show yourself approved unto God!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


The Controlling Mother