What does it mean; God will not put more on us than we can bear?

Every challenge that we face, which seems to have no solution, would always appear to be more than we can bear, particularly when all answers seem exhausted. When reading the above topic, which is quoted so frequently. I wonder if those quoting it consider who is responsible for giving this load to bear. Could all human beings have assigned burdens to challenge them at different seasons of their lifetime? Nevertheless, a spiritual understanding of why God allowed this load to be placed on us would be necessary to understand how better it is to bear it. The truth is that whatever load we are carrying, we're not shouldering it physically. For example, the unexpected death of a loved one; I am sure you are not physically taking that deceased loved one across your shoulders every day, right? Therefore the load must be of a spiritual and emotional nature that has placed that person in such a depressed grieving state that it seems impossible to shake off. Again, burdens are carried by our spirit and not our physical being. Even though our physical being can show evidence of carrying a load. Let us see how God requires us to deal with it. Whenever God addresses man, it is always initiated by spiritual things; why you ask? Well, let's look back at creation related to man's makeup. According to Genesis 2:7, when God, a spirit (John 4:24), breathed into the nostrils of this physical man he made from the earth's dust (which became man's flesh), he became a living soul. The word soul in this text comes from the Hebrew word "Nephesh," which means spirit. It is understandable why our flesh would quickly fail us and not maintain peace of mind when facing life's difficulties and unchangeable circumstances. Our flesh was not designed to sustain what our spirits were made to carry. Someone is facing the most tremendous burden or trial of their life. Their flesh superseded the authority of their spirit by whispering to their spirit the following, "it isn't worth it," "You should commit suicide." "Just give up," "Life is meaningless." "I wish I was never born," "you must not forgive." My friend, these are all signs that your spirit is not in control. In fact, the weakest part of your triune being is in control, which is your flesh. During the Apostle Paul's time, the Galatians church was experiencing problems (flesh ruling spirit). The Apostle Paul had to say to them of this all too common problem to clarify how we comprehend the term "God will not put more on us than we can bear. To dismiss what our flesh is trying to make a reality to us from a negative standpoint, we must instead "Walk in the spirit (the term walk in the spirit is to literally live what the word of God is saying to you), and we SHALL NOT fulfill the lust or desire of our flesh. Paul said that during life's inevitable challenging days, be it the unexpected loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or even a dissolved relationship. So, isn't it clear what we must do? So we would not succumb to the negativity our flesh dictates to our spirit? Therefore when God allows these seemingly unbearable burdens to be placed on us. He never intended us to bear it physically because we will always fail physically. It would still seem too great, and 2) The more difficult it becomes, he requires us to dig relentlessly in his word so that we would not fulfill what our weak flesh demands, which is ninety-nine percent negative or against the will of God. Based on this understanding, we must conclude that THE WORD OF GOD PRACTICED IS THE ONLY GENUINE ANTIDOTE TO OUR BURDENS AND LOADS! The Apostle Paul advised what walking in the Spirit of God's word would produce if we're walking in it during our assigned times of heavy burdens. I mention the phrase assigned times because every human being will eventually have to walk this lonely road. Paul said, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law Galatians 5:22-23. My friend, with these results of walking in the spirit, it is impossible not to be able to bear the load that you've been ordained to carry if you're walking to the spiritual protocols of God! Written by: Kevin L A Ewing kevinewing@coralwave.com kevinlaewing.blogspot.com


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