The Process Of One Who Is Called To Be Great!

Every one that is called to be great or to do the extraordinary MUST suffer extreme persecution! It is typical for this person's family, friends, inner circle, and those he trusts the most to hurt him the most.

Amazingly, at the end of this process, it is almost impossible for this person that's called to greatness to hate these people (if he understands the purpose behind his ordain process). This is simple, and that is his challenges would have taught him that these people were not only necessary for his development. But they were also the tools God decided to use to chisel him into the extraordinary great person he has or will become...............

 Great people are rarely produced through great times... In fact, it is during the bad times when their backs are against the wall, they wisely decide that there is no other option than to become GREAT! Make no mistake, God is the one supervising all of this. Only to reveal to the world and your enemies that they unknowingly played a crucial part in provoking the greatness that was always resident within you. However, it required you to be challenged to be ignited.

Those who have labeled ourselves as a failure or others have convinced you that you are a failure and counted you out. Make no mistake, they are about to see the most significant revolution and transformation of the human spirit.


Greatness is presently residing in you; however, it’s asleep and needs the agitation of your haters and detractors to give it life. Provocation would usually be the instrument by which revelation and creation are released from the human spirit, that the human mind initially assumed it had nothing left to fight with. Nevertheless, applied pressure and discomfort are projected at the one who is called to greatness. Becomes motivated to reach deep within and tap into a source that needed the right pressure to release it.

Your present dislike position is agitating you to release the greatness that presently resides within you for those of you reading this right now. The Bible says it this way,  "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. Even though we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed. Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body, 2Corianthians 4:7-10.

I pray on this beautiful morning that the Lord will open your spiritual eyes and reveal your difficulties working for you and not against you. Eventually, comprehend why it is necessary to love your enemies and accept the scriptural command that we must give thanks in all things, 1 Thess. 5:18. The reality is, with the assistance of patience, we're being chiseled into the greatness we are called to be.


Written by: Kevin L A Ewing


The keys to an excellent stellar performance in the year 2012


What does it mean; God will not put more on us than we can bear?