Evidence You're Being Fought Spiritually

If you are having difficulties recalling your dreams and visions. Know for sure that there is a significant spiritual attack against you! Such an attack's primary focus is to keep you ignorant of what is being concocted against you spiritually.

As I have mentioned on many occasions, our dreams act as the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare. Our dreams are consistently revealing excerpts of the spiritual world or the origin of all things pending for us or against us in the spiritual realm.

As you may or may not recall. On previous occasions, I have also said that the spirit realm "aka" spirit world is the parent world to our natural world. For anything of the spirit world to manifest in our natural world, there must be an agreement between the spirit world and our natural world. Folks that are of the occult and secret societies understand this quite well, this being the primary law of physical manifestation of things from the spirit world. Thus, they perform rituals, take the oath and forge an evil covenant with evil entities that are unseen (evil spirits) to assist them (human beings) in performing evil in the earth and, by extension, in the lives of individuals. When a person finds it hard to recall their dreams, which are spiritual, know for sure their dreams are being erased spiritually by evil spirits.

In other words, you're being fought, but your fight was not initiated physically. Instead, the origin of what is happening to you physically is of a spiritual nature. Therefore, whatever is happening to you naturally is just the result of what has happened or what was conceived spiritually. Unfortunately, most Believers of Jesus Christ are conditioned to fight or pray against what is visible in their lives. At this point, the enemy is subliminally engaging the Christian in a physical fight, only to secure victory over the Christian by causing that Christian to violate the spiritual law of Ephesians 6:12, which clearly says, "For we (Christian) DO NOT wrestle against flesh and blood (people). Instead, we war or fight against spirits, and the hierarchy of these evil invisible entities are principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Therefore, our dreams become our spiritual monitors revealing spiritual intelligence from the spirit realm so that we will have the advantage of taking our fight to the spirit realm to prevent evil from manifesting in our natural lives. So, suppose you are regularly not able to recall your dreams. In that case, Satan and his agents have disabled the spiritual intelligence branch of your spiritual warfare to keep you ignorant of the spiritual snare, evil devices, and plots pending for your life!

As a reminder, the spiritual law has made it abundantly and therefore unequivocally clear, "It will be through KNOWLEDGE that the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9b. I strongly advise that you engage in a fast. Ask God to enable your spiritual monitors so that you can recall and understand the spiritual implications of what your dreams are revealing to you.

Father, in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ! I am asking you to destroy all spiritual entities responsible for not recalling my dreams and not understanding my dreams. Lord, I thank you for the spiritual gift of dreaming, and I come in agreement with your word that says, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream DREAMS, your young men shall see visions" Joel 2:28. I now confess I shall recall and understanding every dream from this point forward in the tried, tested, and proven name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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