God's word above EVERYTHING else

Whatever you're challenged with today, grab a hold of a passage of scripture that speaks to that situation and begin to quietly repeat that scripture into your human spirit until that particular scripture refuse to leave your spirit.

In doing so, you are coming in agreement with the word of God, which I might add is the spirit of God. The law of the spirit world dictates that manifestation of the things of the spirit world into our natural world occurs when a human spirit comes in agreement with a spirit or the Spirit of God.

This is why the word of God reminds us to remind God of his word. Not that he forgot his word but that you would participate and agree with his word to produce what his word has promised. The bottom line is this, the eyes and presence of the Lord are literally roaming the earth in search of those that have made the decision to agree with Him, so that he can show himself strong in their matters.

This greatly explains why complainers, negative folks or folks that made their situation greater than the word of God are still waiting and will continue to wait for God to show up in their lives because they have placed their situations ABOVE the word of God, when he clearly said in his word, "For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name" Psalm 138:2.

If God has placed or magnified his word above his name, then I think it is only wise that we magnify his word above our situation. My word for my human spirit today is, "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME" Philippians 4:13

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


The purpose and process of witchcraft


Do Not Forget!