Our Invisible Allies

 As with all armies, it is always helpful to have allies in an attempt to fortify that army's forces against their

An ally is a person, group, or nation associated with others for some common cause or purpose. In the case of war, countries join forces with other countries with the common goal and the objective of destroying a common enemy.

Well, in the spirit realm, God has assigned spiritual allies to aid human beings in their spiritual fight against the kingdom of darkness. These allies are known as angels. According to scripture, angels are referred to as ministering spirits. The word ministering, which comes from the word minister, literally means to serve! The scripture also made it clear that these ministering spirits (aka Angels) are sent to minister (help or assist) those who are heirs to salvation (Christians) Hebrews 1:13-14

However, even though the angels of the Lord are our allies. we cannot say to our allies, "go and do this or go and do that." Instead, these ministering spirits ONLY RESPOND TO THE COMMANDS AND THE WORD OF GOD, which is the Holy Scriptures. "Bless the Lord, ye His angels that excel in strength, that DO His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." Psalm 103:20.

The reality is, the angels that have been assigned to the Believers of Jesus Christ as allies in their spiritual fight against the kingdom of darkness is, for the most part, unemployed, simply because they have yet to be deployed via the Christian declaring, the commands, precepts, and laws of God.

For example, when a Christian prays or speaks to the unseen world (spirit world) and declares no weapon formed against them shall prosper, while at the same time condemning every tongue speaking against them according to Isaiah 54:17. These words or declarations become marching orders for our spiritual allies to prevent the weapons of the kingdom of darkness from being successful against us and stop those evil words that are being spoken against us by others from ever coming to pass.

I submit to you that if you are not declaring the word of God consistently, especially in your prayer, then you are not making use of or taking advantage of the spiritual allies assigned to assist you in the process of spiritual warfare.

As a reminder, life is spiritual. I encourage you to use your spiritual authority by making spiritual declarations to the spiritual world. This is achieved by continually declaring the scriptures against the spiritual and physical opposition opposing you. While you may not be able to physically see your spiritual allies fighting on your behalf, know for sure they're waiting on your scriptural commands to begin defeating the forces of darkness against you.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Do Not Forget!


Mountains are moving, walls are falling