The Word Of God Is Our Spiritual Food

  It would be wise on your part if, at some point, during the day, we expose ourselves to some form of teaching or preaching of the word of God.

The real you is your human spirit. Unfortunately, the average human spirit is malnourished due to the lack of spiritual food, which is the word of God! Let me be clear on this: physical food is for restoring and energizing the physical human body. However, spiritual food, which is scriptures, is the spiritual food for our human spirits.

This explains why scripture declares that man should not live by (physical) bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, which of course, is spiritual. Jesus elaborated on this even more, when he stated in John 6:63 that the words that he speaks are "spirit and they are life."

Folks that are malnourished spiritually are easy to identify. For starters, they are pretty impatient, angry, doubters, always speaking from a negative perspective. More importantly, their conversation is laced with the material things of this world instead of things of the spirit.

Above everything else, I have discovered that folks who refuse to feed their spirits via the word of God are profound worriers; they are never settled in their spirit and constantly agitated as to what bad thing will happen next. Of course, this is due to the peace of God, which his word provided does not reside in them.
I would like to encourage someone reading this article to make it a habit in getting the word of God in you by either exposing yourself to teaching/preaching of the authentic word of God or just simply reading your bible. I promise you it will do wonders for your Human spirit.
After many of my face-to-face teachings, many ask how do I recall and recite scriptures verbatim. Well, my answer to their question always leaves them in a state of shock. I say to them that I am a frequent reader of the bible and expose myself as much as possible to the word of God. As a result of this practice, the Holy Spirit brings to mind the word of God I've consumed as a natural practice.

The scriptures state that the Holy Spirit will bring the things Christ has said to our memory (John 14:26). So, in essence, it is the Holy Spirit that's providing me with scriptures and repeating them word for word without a bible. However, I was responsible for initiating the process by again exposing myself to the word of God. Please, I strongly admonish you to not be like your average Christian who rarely read their bibles and make it a habit of exposing themselves to the word of God.

The source behind everything that God has destined for your lives is his word. The more you ignore his word, the more confused you'll be as it relates to your purpose, destiny, and the gifts and talents he's furnished you with to do his will on the earth.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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