Is your Relationship being Controlled by Witchcraft?

Okay parents, this one is for you! So you don't like your son's girlfriend or your daughter's
boyfriend. Maybe you would have preferred if your son had married someone else or your daughter had made a better choice in marrying.

 In spite of the above scenarios parents, you do not have the right to disrupt, invade, control or destroy the union of others particularly that of your children. You have lived your life, so stop trying to live your life through your children...... So many relationships never had the opportunity to fulfill its purpose or to flourish, simply because some Mother saw the need to control or a Father saw the need to intimidate relationships they have absolutely no business being a part of.

 One of the greatest tragedies I have witness in relationships is the uncanny desire of a parent to resort to witchcraft in an attempt to destroy the unions of their children by manipulating the minds of their children's spouses or mates and in some cases both parties to bring about division and to establish their will. All along the the victims have absolutely no idea, that it is their own flesh and blood whom have resort to evil spiritual means in making their lives a living hell. While you're seeping at night they are forging evil covenants with evil spirits to oppress you!

This why we must ask God to either give us the gift of discernment or amplify our gift of discernment so that we would be spiritually enabled to detect, discover and distinguish these people and their evil devices. Scriptures say, "Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel by it; turn away from it and pass on". Now, read carefully the reason why the scripture is advising such actions, "For these evil people sleep not unless they have done or engage in evil and their sleep is taken away unless they have cause someone to fall" Proverbs 4:14-16.

 The bible tells us that a man's enemies are that of his household, Matthew 10:36. In other words very rarely would a person's real enemies or those that are constantly opposing him be that of a strange or someone unfamiliar to them. I have dealt with many of these case before and believe me when I say to you it will require much prayer and fasting for the spiritual eyes of the victims to realize that it is their own doing this evil to them. Some time ago a young lady was advise to see me concerning some strange happenings going on in her relationship that she knew was not natural. This lady who did not realize the extent as to how much her mother hated her partner was advised by her mother via witchcraft practices to place certain items and sprinkle certain unknown concoctions in the dwelling of her and her partner. This mother convinced her daughter that what she was giving her and advising her daughter to do would make things better in the home, even though the daughter was not to tell her partner what her mother was advising her to do. Aside from all of this, whenever the daughter would visit the mother's home the mother would always, "predict" negative things that would happen between her daughter and her partner and according to the daughter, exactly what the mother said was exactly what would happen. What the daughter was unaware of, was the simple fact that her own mother had her bewitched to the point she would never see her mother as the evil seed sower. Instead, viewing her mother as the one that has her back.

 It was only a matter of time that violent arguments began to erupt, financial troubles exploded, and their desires that were once reserved for each other began to drift towards folks outside of their relationship. In fact this lady's mother went as far as to encourage her to see other people and again because of the daughter being bewitched by her evil mother she concluded everything her wicked mother was advising her on was correct.

I am lead to say to someone whom this message is registering to, that the source of your unexplained financial losses, discord, foolish arguments, kids acting up, you and your family not being able to progress and your lack of desire for your mate is due to family members and in-laws working against your union via witchcraft. They either believe that their loved one is to good for you or they are just saturated with jealousy in regards to your relationship with their relative. Believe me this scenario is more common that you could possibly imagine and only the wisdom of God can break you free from this evil. The scripture says, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9. I mentioned this because I have witness many that resorted to the same source of evil for relief and only multiplied their sorrows. In other words you cannot fight witchcraft with witchcraft. The scriptures clearly says, "Any kingdom divided against itself will fall" Matthew 12:25. 

 The evidence of this spirit of witchcraft on your life and your union is displayed through constant confusion, not being able to sleep, foolish senseless arguments, always tired, frustrated, confused, fatigue, unable to recall much, almost impossible to save monies, abnormal sexual urges but never for your partner, frequent pains around your neck and shoulder areas. Some of the most notable signs are; having frequent perverted sexual dreams or someone feeding you in your dreams. My friend these are all spiritual signs of demonic oppression that has descended upon you. However, the person/s that could be responsible for doing this to you would always be of a sheepish demeanor, always offering you something such as items to place in your home, food to eat that they have "specially" made just for you, certain items to wear on your person for good luck or something that would appear to be spiritual in its appearance but the idea of it is to ultimately tie you up in the spirit. 

 I cannot place enough emphasis on this, but you and your partner are victims of some selfish family member/s that for whatever reason have issues with your union and wants to see your union fail. My advice to you is to pray against the spirit of witchcraft and controlling spirits but more importantly the evil altars that such spirits are being summoned from that has been creating the ongoing havoc in your life . Ask God to reveal the point of contact in your home such as some strange gift that was given to you, a book, figurine, clothing etc. that has been used as a point of contact to maintain the evil being hurled at you. Whatever God reveals to you in term of particular items, you must destroy it by fire!

For those of you reading this that are actively participating in intentionally destroying the lives of others. Scripture is clear, when it said, it is only what one sows that shall he or she reap. In your quest to destroy the happiness of others, you are simultaneously securing difficult times in the future for you and your children via the evil you are so meticulously inflicting upon the lives of others. God will see to it that you are recompensed for the evil you have distributed to others! Also, according to biblical law, we will always reap more than what we've sown.

 Many folks are lost and confused today as to why trouble after trouble is being hurled at them with absolutely no signs of relief. Could it be the harvesting of the evil seeds their parents or eve themselves that were planted in the past in their attempt to destroy others that they're now reaping today? Make no mistake my friend, every action will cause a reaction. So do what is right now, so that you can secure the right thing being done to you and your children in the future.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing


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