Why Am I Dreaming So Much

For God speak once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed;

Then he opens the ears of men and seals their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from man. Job 33:14-17.

There are so many people, saved and unsaved alike, that God continually speaks to via their dreams. Unfortunately, I would venture to say that more than ninety percent of them completely ignore their dreams. I once was in this state of ignoring my dreams until I discovered my gift of dream interpretation. I will also add that before I found my God-given ability to interpret dreams, I suffered numerous losses due to ignoring my dreams.

If you are having a series of dreams, especially if you didn't have such dreams before. Then it would be wise to observe who or what was added to your life since you've been experiencing such dreams. If these dreams are negative, then that person you have connected yourself to or some item you were given or bought could be the point of contact and the evil introduced to your life. Your dreams attempt to point it out as the source of your issues.

For example, did you recently purchase a car or home, but since you've made the purchase, you've been dreaming of strange creatures throughout the house, someone or something chasing you, or during your dream, the new car or home somehow went missing in the dream? Well, your dreams could reveal that there is a curse associated with whatever it is that you've purchased or connected yourself to.

In Genesis 20. King Abimelech had taken Abraham's wife, Sarah, with the intent of sleeping with her. Of course, this happened due to the lie Abraham and Sarah agreed to tell King Abimelech, indicating that they were brother and sister. Interestingly, the scripture says that God visited King Abimelech in his dream by night and said, "Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou has taken; for she is a man's wife." Now, here it is that since King Abimelech took Abraham's wife, Sarah, it immediately invoked a curse of death on his life. Nevertheless, God spoke to him in a dream, warning King Abimelech to release Sarah back to her husband or suffer the consequences.

There are some of you reading this article right now whom God has clearly communicated to you in a dream or the dream of someone else not to marry a particular person or not to eat or take anything from a specific person or group. However, your desires have overridden the instructions of God, and it will if it hasn't already cost you in the end. I recall vividly several years ago when I was introduced to a man that folks had labeled a prophet. I was told that he was on fire for God and very committed to the things of God. Nevertheless, deep within my spirit, I was uncomfortable with this gentleman.

Anyway, I had two dreams about this person in the following weeks. In the first dream, I was in a hotel room. I could see this gentleman, but he could not see me. The gentleman was making what appeared to be some kind of witchcraft concoction. At one point in the dream, he stopped what he was doing and looked directly in the direction I was standing as if he knew someone was there but, at the same time, had an unsure look on his face. In my second dream, I dreamed of being in a small community standing near a small jeep and surrounded by what appeared to be military men with machine guns. I was forced into the jeep filled with adults and children, but I could not see the occupant's faces for some reason. As the driver drove on this particular property, I began to observe what seemed to be creatures in the form of spirits coming up from the ground. Just before I woke up from the dream, this same gentleman came up out of the ground in front of the jeep in a spirit form, and I heard a voice in the dream distinctively said to me, DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM THE GENTLEMAN WHOSE NAME I WOULD NOT MENTION.

I would later learn that this person was deeply involved with witchcraft before becoming a "Christian" and still participating in it even as a Christian. Even more amazing was that pastors allowed this person to preach to their congregation and "lay hand and pray" for some folks. Now, just like King Abimelech, I had the option of ignoring the dream's instructions, and I am sure I would have experienced some form of unnecessary hardship and difficulty. However, just like King Abimelech, I decided to obey the voice of the Lord, which automatically foiled any evil plans that a person was concocting against me.

I don't know who you are, but I am here to say that God has been trying to instruct and warn you via your dreams. It is no accident you're probably experiencing the same dream over and over again, or you woke up from a dream only to go back to sleep, and the dream continues. You are not having dreams because you could dream. Instead, God is speaking to you or revealing the enemy's plans for your life. As a reminder, God knows everything and consistently attempts to spiritually advise you via your dreams.

Not by chance, accident, or coincidence, you're being flooded with dreams since person X entered your life. It is not by chance that everything is going downhill since you received that gift from so and so and accompanied by a series of negative dreams. Please pay serious attention to your dreams and observe them while tying them to the strange occurrences that have been happening in your life since certain things have been added to your life.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The unseen world is where it's at


The satanic spiritual weapon of delay