Speak to the voices that's speaking to you

You must speak to the voices that's negatively or positively speaking to your human spirit! The success of any spirit is to influence, convince, persuade or to encourage its human subjects to bend or incline to their will!

From the moment one is awaken in the morning and in most cases as a continuation of their dreams. They are bombarded by either the voice of the Holy Spirit or the voices of devils. The reality is, these voices are not usually heard via the human ear. Instead they are primarily heard by our human spirit.

For example, you woke up from a dream and the only thing you can probably recall from your dream is a praise and worship song that's continually playing in your mind/spirit. Aside from that, you are accompanied by an unusual feeling that something good is going to happen, even though there is absolutely no physical proof to support this overwhelming feeling. Then, while on the way to work, you now hear the same song playing on the radio or some preacher is preaching and what he's preaching is confirming not only your unexplained happy feelings but it all correlates with the song that's in your spirit.

This my friend, is the gentle and confirming voice of the Holy Spirit attempting to encourage, persuade and motivate you to use your faith by declaring those things that you're hoping for and believe that your feeling of something good is about to happen is evidence that God has released whatever it is to you. In other word begin thanking God for whatever your expectations from him is, even though you're not in possession of it as yet. This is the behavior and actions of faith! After all it is impossible to please God outside of the act of faith, right?

On the other hand, after the enemy had terrified you with evil dreams. You awake to tiredness, frustration and depression. The reality is these are devils sitting on your human spirit and by extension your destiny, all in an effort to maintain your spiritual oppression, while at the same time persuading, encouraging and convincing you to start your morning with negative declarations, such as, "I am so tired", "I don't feel like doing anything today" "I feel like just giving up", "It doesn't make sense getting up early nothing good ever happens for me anyway" "I hate my job, etc".

It is through these negative statements you have no idea that the evil spirits that's influencing you to make such statements are covertly seeking your approval via your admission of these negative sayings to begin the process of manifesting these very events in your life.

So, I am saying to you this morning, BEGIN SPEAKING TO THE SPIRITS THAT SPEAKING TO YOU! If you woke up feeling good, vibrant and energetic for absolutely no reason or even if you do have a reason, begin thanking God and agreeing with him for the good he has done, is doing and will continue to do in your life. Fortify, this by agreeing with him by retrieving relevant scriptures and reciting them into the atmosphere, particularly to God. "Heavenly Father, while I may not know what you're up to in my life, nevertheless, I trust and bind myself to your plans and will for my life because your word says, that your thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, and to ensure me an expected end, Jeremiah 29:11.

Now, with every fiber of your being, you must speak to the spirits of failure, depression, sickness, missed opportunities, procrastination, laziness and the like, that are trying their best to get you to agree with them by speaking into the atmosphere the way they are influencing you to feel, to secure an agreement between you and them to manifest their evil in your life. "Evil spirits of rejection, loneliness, depression, sickness, anti-progress and the like, I REJECT YOU, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I unseat you from my spirit and by extension my destiny in Jesus name. Therefore, I renounce, reject, and break all former evil covenants you've covertly established in my life and I proudly bind myself to and agree with the master plan for my life that was originally made for my life by my lord and savior Jesus Christ!

As a reminder, spiritual warfare 101, principle dictates that our fight is not against flesh and blood, Ephesians 6:12.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


There is an urgent need for Intercessors


Feed your human spirit by reading or listening to the word of God