I woke up, fell asleep and the dream continued

Have you ever had the experience where you woke up out of a dream only to fall back asleep and the dream continues?

Such dreams should never even be ignored for the mere fact that such a dream is revealing a very important message or instruction. Now with some folks the dream would either continue from where it left off after going back to sleep or the dream would start from the beginning again,

Scriptures says to us, “For God speaks once, even twice, yet man understands it not.

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed;

16 Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their "INSTRUCTIONS", Job 33:14-16

The above scripture while pointing out to us some of the ways God attempts to communicate to us, it places emphasis on the dream aspect of God's communications with us. More importantly, the intent of this particular means of communication is clearly revealed in Job 33:16, which is to seal his instructions to us.

Therefore, dreams that continue or start from the beginning once you awake and resume sleeping is attempting to reveal something of great importance. More than likely it could be a warning or again a specific instruction in regards to a pending or current matter. One of the major points we should take away from this passage of scripture is the fact that the scripture begins by clearly stating that God speaks generally to all mankind and not just only to a Believer.

I have had many discussions with non-Christians, who clearly stated to me that most of the major things that occur in their lives were preempted by their dreams. It will always be due to a lack of understanding of our dreams that will cause us to dismiss the warning or instruction being released in our dreams.

Say to the lord right not, "Lord please give me understanding of my dreams so that I would not miss your messages, warning and instructions. Your word declares that it is you alone that gives interpretation and that all interpretation belongs to you according to Genesis 40:8. Therefore, I pray for spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding according to Isaiah 11:2 so that I would understand the mysteries of the spirit in the name of your son   and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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