Fighting The Spirits That's Causing You Not Recall Your Dreams

 If you find yourself either forgetting your dreams or just being confused and frustrated when it comes to understanding them, then make no mistake, you're being attacked spiritually as it relates to your dream life.

Folks under witchcraft attacks or any spiritual attacks will first begin to witness these attacks in their dreams. In fact, they will quickly realize that the more they make attempts to recall their dreams upon waking, the more their dreams seem to be coming to them in pieces or quickly eluding them.

At this point, you should stop the process of attempting to recall whatever it is that you've dreamed of and immediately go into prayer. Avoid making verbal statements such as, "I could never remember my dreams," or "It seems as if the harder I try to recall them, the quicker my dreams escape me." As a reminder, death and life are in the power of our tongues, Proverbs 18:21, and by making such statements, you agree with the evil forces sent to disable your ability to recall your dreams. In fact, you must go into specific prayers against this legion of demonic forces attempting to deprive you of the knowledge and revelations given to you in your dreams. Your prayer should be similar to the following:

Heavenly Father and Lord of all creation, I come before you seeking spiritual assistance in combating the spirits of forgetfulness, confusion, frustration, and fatigue launched against the knowledge and revelation you gave me in my dream. Father, your spiritual law declares that it results from a lack of knowledge that the people of God are destroyed, according to Hosea 4:6. Therefore, father, destroy the invisible forces attempting to hijack this vital knowledge you have released to me in my dream.

Lord, I stand and bind myself to your word that clearly says the memory of the just is blessed according to Proverbs 10:7, and I declare that my memory is indeed blessed and that I can recall all that you have released to me spiritually. Father, I now pray your word over my mind and memory. I am asking that you release to me, according to your word, the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding (Isaiah 11:2) so that I can understand precisely what you are saying to me or pointing out to me via my dreams.
Finally, Father, I pray and agree with your servant, the Apostle Paul, that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened to know the hope of what you have called me to according to Ephesians 1:18. We stand on your word as it relates to our memory. Your word says, "The memory of the just is blessed" Proverbs 10:7.

After ending such a prayer, just sit or find a relaxed quiet position and allow the angels of the Lord who respond to the word of God, according to Psalm 103:20, to begin to fight on your behalf. I promise you that in the coming weeks, you will start to recall your dreams without effort.

Wizards and witches are acutely aware of the power and importance of dreams. They are advised by the spirits (familiar spirits) to disable your front-line spiritual mechanism of information that would reveal what they're up to in the realm of the spirit.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Spiritual Understanding Of Blessings And Curses


Speak to the spirit realm with the word of God