God will remove your invisible impediments

It is my prayer this morning that God will remove from your life, every INVISIBLE BARRIER that's causing you not to progress in life!

Heavenly Father, to the one that has to stumble across this post, I am asking you to dissolve and permanently remove the root of all invisible impediments that has caused this person and by extension their family not to advance to the stages you've designed for their lives, before the foundation of the world.

Lord, let every evil power behind all negative voices speaking against their destiny fall to the ground and never ever come to manifestation. I pray that all spirits of depression, hopelessness, failure and any other opposing force wrestling against this person's God-given talents and ability to be disabled permanently and that all of these opposing forces be tormented before their time in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Father, I pray for those that that cannot see their way clear, I pray for those that are tormented in their minds. I pray for those that can not seem to get a grip on life. I pray for those that are unable to get past that hurt or grief. I pray for those that are consumed by fear, due to the lack of resources and their inability to provide for their families. I pray that unexpected doors and windows of opportunity will make itself available to them in Jesus mighty name!

Lord, I speak to the spirit of fear that has systematically disabled your word in the lives of these people. I send spiritual chains to bind the spirit of fear, and I concur with your word that says you did not give us a spirit of fear according to 2 Timothy 1:7. Therefore I command the spirit of fear to be removed from their lives by the authority and power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I pray that your hedge of protection is restored to them according to Job 1:10. I pray that they will be convinced that you are their confidence according to Proverbs 3:26. I pray that you would give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness according to your word in Isaiah 61:3. I pray that you will supply all their needs according to your riches and glory in your son Christ Jesus according to Philippians 4:19. I confess, and I believe that from this point forward they have been restored and they are convinced that they can do all things through you who will continue to strengthens them according to your word in Philippians 4:13.

Finally Father, It is my sincere prayer that you would restore and cause to connect them with every person, place and thing that you had ordain to increase them and catapult them to their divine destinies while simultaneously severing everyone, everything and any environment that they are currently at or with that was and is NOT a part of your plan and purpose for their lives in the matchless and mighty name of your only begotten son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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