The Crafty Spirit Of Delilah

There are many of us whose wealth, prosperity, and life’s advancements are tied to ideas, dreams
and future aspirations that God Almighty has placed deep within you.

However, our inability to keep things to ourselves and our naive thinking. Has led you to believe that because you desire good for others, this constitutes that they wish the same for you. This belief has placed you in a non-progressive position.

As many of you would know, Samson was a perfect example of the above scenario.

The secret to Samson’s strength was his seven locks of hair. Of course, only Samson and his parents were exposed to this knowledge. And as long as he kept this information to himself, he was able to advance, conquer and defeat his enemies effortlessly.

Unlike most believers of Jesus Christ, Satan understands the importance of discovering the source of power, success, and favor of an individual. Such origins become the target for destruction, and in Samson’s case, it was his hair.

Satan also knows that he must cause us to connect with someone we trust to retrieve this information. Which is really a distraction to extract the source of whatever it is that causes us to succeed in life.

Samson, who was clearly bewitched by Delilah, believed that this woman assigned by Satan was everything that he wanted in a woman. However, like so many of us. Samson refused to see the apparent signs of betrayal due to the assumption that she felt the same way about him as he did about her.

One of the most common signs that someone is on assignment by Satan in your life has been clearly displayed in Samson’s case. That person becomes determined to know the personal areas of your life. All the while revealing very little if any of their own life.
Secondly, another red flag that this person is a trap set for you is their unashamed persistence in retrieving this information.

Thirdly, Just like Delilah, when this person is convinced they have discovered your secrets, immediate troubles begin to follow you.

Fourthly! If their traps did not meet their expectations, based on the information they thought they had. Then they go back to the drawing board of deception with zero shame and begin to play on the sympathy of their victim determined to destroy them.

As most of you would know, Samson eventually revealed the secret of his strength to Satan’s agent Delilah. Delilah, of course, passed on this information to her conspirators. There would be no more progress, promotion, advancement, favor, joy, or peace for Samson from this point forward.

This is the result, my friend, when the enemy has access to the information initially meant for you only. Scripture clearly says to us, “He that guards his mouth is simultaneously defending his life. While he that fails to guard his mouth will experience destruction.” (Proverbs 13:3)

Scripture also says that a man will experience joy by the answer of his mouth and how wonderful it is when words are spoken in due season or the right time. (Proverbs 15:23)

I don’t know who you are this morning, but I am here to warn you that the spirit of Delilah could be present in your life. I strongly advise you this morning to take note of the above signs and, with righteous indignation, unseat that Delilah spirit and command it to be exposed in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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