Spiritual warfare 101, Pt. 2

The front-line soldiers of the kingdom of darkness will always be the demonic spirits of FEAR!

The spirit of fear's initial attack on its human victims is to cause their victims to subscribe to fear. Now, this may seem crazy to you, but you'll understand why they organize and deploy in such a calculating manner, as I explain further. This is why when I am counseling someone or having a regular conversation with someone. They make statements such as: "I am so fearful." "I am afraid I will lose my job." "I am fearful of heights." "I am afraid I will never get married." "I have a serious fear of being broke, etc.", It immediately points out to me their spiritual ignorance and their unknowing partnering with the spirit of fear to bring about their fears!

Folks who make such statements have no idea that they are partnering with the forces of evil, particularly the spirit of fear to bring manifestation to their fears! Now, what is the actual definition of fear? Well, our dictionaries would be quick to point out to us that fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined. However, this is not altogether true. The reality is fear is indeed a spirit! Let us prove it by scripture, " For God has not given us a "SPIRIT OF FEAR," but of power and of love and of a sound mind, 2 Timothy 1:7. Now, I will say this: the dictionary's definition of fear is just the evidence that the SPIRIT OF FEAR is present!

Now, in spiritual warfare, words are our weapons, particularly that of the word of God. We must filter our thoughts in an attempt to calculate what we intend to speak. As I mentioned in my article, "Spiritual warfare 101," our words engage the spirit realm. In fact, it is and, for the most part, will be our words that will forge covenants with either the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness to produce either kingdom's will in our lives.

From the book of Job, our brother Job is typically characterized as a victim in the first two chapters of the book of Job. It would seemingly appear as if there was no provocation on Job's end to incite all of the negative things that happened to him, right? Well, let's give a closer inspection to a few statements that our brother Job had said that very well could have incited everything God had allowed Satan to do to Job.

In Job 3:25, Job said, "For the thing which I "GREATLY FEARED" is come upon me, and that which I was "AFRAID" of has come unto me." Therefore, one of the spiritual laws that dictate or give permission to the spirit of fear to run its intended course in a human being's life by manifesting the victim's fears, the victim must first accept the spirit of fear, which they believe is just an emotion. However, the reality is you're ignorantly employing the spirit of fear via the law of fear to manifest whatever it is that you greatly fear and will cause to come upon you whatever you're afraid of. Again, this is why I reiterate throughout my teachings you must never ever confess your fears. Secondly, once you have experienced any type of dreaded fear, know for sure that this is the evidence that the spirit of fear is near to you, awaiting your fearful confession to begin the physical manifestation of those fears.

This is why I also advise that you speak to your fears. Yes, that's right! Speak to the spirit of fear by repeating out loud 2 Timothy 1:7 and any other scripture against the spirit of fear. According to scripture, the reality is the spirit of fear is always setting traps for us to catch us in his web. "The "FEAR" of man bringeth a snare/trap: but whoso puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe" Proverbs 29:25. So, as you would have read, whatever it is that you're being influenced to fear via what we know to be the spirit of fear, it is seeking permission via spiritual law according to Job 3:25 to overcome us and manifest those fears.

Question! Are you aware that those that are "FEARFUL"  inclusive of those that label themselves as "Christians," will be among the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars that will end up in the lake of fire as the consequences of their judgment? As usual, let us resort to scripture to shed more detailed light on this astonishing revelation. "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" Revelations 21:8.

In conclusion, abnormal and debilitating fears are clear-cut evidence that the person that has become enslaved to the spirit of fear, in reality, really has a love issue going on with them. "Scripture says the following, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" 1 John 4:18.

"My people are destroyed due to a lack of such available knowledge" Hosea 4:6

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Spiritual warfare 101: Pt. 1


Spiritual warfare 101, Pt. 3