Prayer Against Spiritual Robbers

At some point during their life, everyone has experienced dreams where something was stolen from them, or something belonging to them went missing. Now, little focus is placed on who has relieved the Dreamer of their goods in the dream. In fact, the Dreamer is more concerned about their belongings than who or what got away with their belongings. Well, emphasis should be placed on who or what is stealing the Dreamer's possession simply because whom or whatever is doing the robbing is literally robbing the Dreamer of their spiritual blessings. Spiritual robbers are masquerading spirits masquerading as folks that the Dreamer may be familiar with or even masquerading as strangers in a dream. Nevertheless, whatever it is that they are robbing the Dreamer of in the dream would represent the spiritual blessings of the Dreamer that God has explicitly secured for the Dreamer before the foundation of the world, according to Ephesians 1:3-4. Let's say, for example, you had a dream, and in this dream, you were exiting a bank, but as soon as you stepped outside of the bank, you were robbed by masked men. As I mentioned earlier, the masked men are masquerading spirits, depriving the Dreamer of their spiritual, financial blessings. Suppose such a dream is not challenged via canceling and rebuking the dream, then, in reality. In that case, the Dreamer will accumulate monies but will invariably mysteriously lose the money somehow. For example, the Dreamer will be allowed to save towards a specific goal, such as purchasing a car. Well, just when he's about to reach his goal, some type of emergency presents itself, or someone breaks into the Dreamer's home and steals the money. Simply put, whatever the Dreamer refuses to deal with in the spirit will eventually deal with the Dreamer in the natural! If you have experienced such dreams, then the following prayer is how you would pray to challenge these spirits: Firstly, you must ask God to forgive all your sins according to 1 John 1:9. Secondly, you must outfit yourself by praying the whole armor of God over yourself according to Ephesians 6:11, 13-17. Thirdly, you must thank God for giving his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways; these angels are there to assist you according to Psalm 91:11-12. Now you begin praying the following prayer: In the name of your only begotten son Jesus Christ, Father God, I come before your throne of grace and mercy seeking your divine help. Lord, I come to remind you of your word that says I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me according to your word in Philippians 4:13. Father, with your divine assistance. I command every spiritual robber to be permanently disabled by the power and authority of your word. Your word says, "That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven (the spiritual realm) and things in earth, and things under the earth," according to Philippians 2:10. Lord, I decree and declare that not only have I discovered and identify these spiritual robbers in my dream stealing from me, but by the authority of your word, I command these same spiritual robbers to return and restore unto me sevenfold of what they have taken initially from me and including the wealth of his house, according to your word in Proverbs 6:30-31. Father God, just how you have empowered the right hand of king Cyrus, and you went before him and leveled the obstacles that were in his way. While at the same time providing him with the hidden treasures and hidden riches of secret places according to your word in Isaiah 45:1-3. Lord, I am asking you to visit my life with the same favor and grace extended towards king Cyrus in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Finally, Lord, you said in your word that all things are possible to him that believe according to your word in Mark 9:23. Therefore, Father, I believe your word, and I believe that every spiritual robber has been subdued spiritually and that they are all under my feet. I further seal these spiritual robbers' fate by commanding them to be tormented before their time, according to Matthew 8:28, in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ. Amen! Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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