This is happening for your GOOD!

Stop worrying! God has put people and things in place prior to you even knowing that you would
have encountered this situation.

The word of the Lord to someone today that is overly concerned about a situation, to the point where your concern is suppressing your faith; please remember and place your confidence in the word of the living God!

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:18. What seem to be a setback is literally working in your favor. In fact you can not achieve what it is that you desire without this specific ingredient (setback).

As a reminder, Joseph could not achieve the promotion of being second in  charge of Egypt if his brothers were not jealous of him and sold him into slavery. Jesus could not experience the cross outside of Judas' betrayal. Abraham, could not be known today as the Father of faith, had he not leave his comfort zone and go to a place that he didn't even know existed.

Hear me today! Praise God in the  midst of what is seemingly unfair, disappointing, depressing, discouraging and degrading........ But make no mistake, these ingredients are A MUST if it is your desire to ADVANCE!

This is working together for your Good in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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