Lord I Surrender I Will Do It Your Way

No need to become frustrated or fatigue anymore; again, why not change your method of operation if you desire to change. As a reminder, frustration is the result of expectations not being met.

I can not emphasize this enough, but the source of your frustration is due to you operating according to a plan and not THE PLAN! To be freed from your cycle of frustration will require adding to your knowledge base, and that is, what is God's plan for your life? In fact, you can begin the process of that change right now if a change is truly your desire:

"Lord, reveal to me whatever it is that I am ignorant to as it relates to my frustrating situation and provides me with what I need to know to change my situation. I now understand what you meant when you said that I  must not lean on my own understanding. Instead, I must acknowledge or recognize you in "ALL" my ways, and then and only then will you direct my path, Proverbs 3:5.

Father, I really and truly need you to direct my path in this and in all of my frustrating matters. I am literally tired of going around the same defeated mountain over and over again. Yes, Lord! It is crystal clear to me now when you said that there is a way that would seem or appear right to us, but you also guarantee us that we will be met with failure and destruction at the end of our course, proverbs 16:26. Clearly, I have had enough of the results of my own way of doing things!

Lord, in my brokenness, I am asking you to help me abandon my useless, non-productive, frustrating, and defeated way of life. Allow me to observe life from your perspective. You said, "For I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Father, I receive these words. Father, I bind my spirit to these words, and I want these words to be incorporated into my life and dictate the course of my life going forward. Now, Lord, I further stand in total agreement with your word that says, "There are many devices, ideas, plans and desires in our hearts BUT only your COUNSEL for us or that which you have determined for us shall come to fruition, Proverbs 19:21. Father, let your counsel and that alone run its course in my life unhindered in the name of your Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, I truly give up and surrender my way in exchange for your way so that things can finally turn in my favor in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Addressing the spirits of Distraction and Procrastination


Position Yourself For Generational Blessings