The inability to spiritually discern

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things
which are seen are temporal; but the things  which are not seen are eternal" 2 Corinthians 4:18.

These were the words penned by the Apostle Paul to the church of Corinth. Basically, the Apostle is encouraging the church of Corinth to  pay greater attention to the things of the realm of the spirit as opposed to being mislead by things that are visible. The Apostle Paul clearly understood based on his statement the primary rule or principle of the spirit realm and that rule is; all things, visible and invisible have its origin in the unseen world or what we know to be the spirit world. In fact he went a step further by revealing that the contents of that world are eternal, suggesting that there is no ending or dying of anything from that world. unlike our world where everything has a beginning and an end.

Today I would like to share with you some spiritual insight that I hope would not only expand your spiritual understanding but will cause you to focus on what is real and of greater importance as opposed to things that are visible that's for the most part and at best misleading you and wasting your efforts. Have you ever wondered, how is it that a person could be so anointed, carry so many titles such as prophet, master prophet, Evangelist, Elder etc and can not discern the spiritual root behind your physical matters?

How is it that when a so called prophet calls you up to prophesy to you for the most part he or she only sees material things such as houses, cars, promotion on one's job etc and rarely if ever reveal the spiritual root causes of your on going matters?

In Luke 13, scripture tells us that a woman was physically challenged for 18 years. Her aliment was, she could not stand erect, she was literally bent over and again she was in this position for 18 years. Scripture further reveals that she was a daughter of Abraham, suggesting that she was a Believer of God Almighty. So, two questions popped up in my mind while pondering on this passage of scripture.

1) How could a child of God be physically challenged for such a long time and

2) How come this church she attended assumingly for 18 years could not discern the spiritual root cause behind her physiacl illness and by the power of God set her free?

Well, scripture records that while Jesus was teaching in this particular synagogue he immediately spiritually discerned that this woman had a "SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY", unlike the other "title carriers" who just saw her in a physical incapacitated state and proceeded to cast the "SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY" out of this woman. It is further revealed that immediately when this "SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY" was cast out of this woman, she was able to do what she could not do for 18 years and that is to stand erect. As usual, Jesus is always attacking the root and never the symptom.

Again, how come her spiritual leaders could not spiritually discern the fact that even though she had a visible physical illness they could not discern the spiritual root behind it? This was really challenging for me to comprehend because it makes me wonder were her spiritual leaders really concern about her well being, were her leaders really as spiritual as they claim? For example, after Jesus had delivered this lady her from this oppressive spirit it is said that the leaders of the synagogue were angry with Jesus, questioning him as to how could he perform such a deliverance on the Sabbath day. Wow! Now isn't this interesting? Their behavior is clearly showing that they were not interested in the lady being healed at all. In fact as far as they were concern she could have stayed in that position and condition until the day she died, Their behavior also suggest that they were focus more on what was visible as opposed to things that are spiritual, which they aught to be focus on according to the Apostle Paul....Wow! Just for a moment, seriously think about your church, do they speak and behave more towards material and physical things or are they focusing on the spirit of Adultery, the spirit of division, lying spirits etc? During prayer do the prayers for you or the congregation goes like this, "Lord send a financial blessing, Father open the windows of Heaven and pour out financial resources" or due to their spiritual insight, they're praying against the spirit of poverty and the devouring spirits that's consuming your spiritual finances thus, disabling physical financial resources to manifest in your life?

Now, let's turn the lime light on you and your place of worship. After all the prophecies in regards to new spouses, homes, cars inherited wealth etc, again focusing on material things, did the Prophets and spiritual leaders discern spiritually the spirit of infirmity attacking your body with cancer? Did the prophet see the witchcraft targeting your life? Did the prophet discern that your illness is not natural but its origin is that of witchcraft and even if it has been revealed by the prophet did they do what Jesus did and cast the spirit out so like the woman who had the spirit of infirmity you are able to enjoy a better quality of life? How about this one, did the prophet see that piece of paper with your enemy's name written on it on the inside of your shoe signifying hardship and oppression for your enemy as the source as to why you can not get ahead in life? You see my friend, the more you use the bible as a benchmark or measuring stick to the non-sense that these misguided folks do, the more you'll see why after all the prayers, all the sowing of financial seeds and whatever else they have been asking you to do absolutely nothing is happening for you.

To discern is to observe that which is beyond the physical just like how the apostle Paul said in my opening statement,  "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal".

Why not join me in prayer this morning asking God to open your spiritual eyes to discern beyond the natural displays of your physical matters and cause you to spiritually see the root causes of the past, pending and future issues in your life and the lives of others. Father remove the spiritual scales that has compromise our spiritual sight and that has insisted that we focus on the physical instead of placing our emphasis on spiritual. Lord we are asking you to amplify your spiritual gift of discernment in our lives so that we are better able to discern and decipher your will for our lives and to identify and resist the counterfeits that would attempt to seduce and lead us on the road of destruction in the mighty and matchless name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin LA Ewing

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I hope you're not sitting on your God given gifts