A Deeper Understanding Of Sexual Dreams

To be successful or a winner at anything, there must be a concentrated effort in discovering.
Or making oneself knowledgeable of the rules, laws, and principles that govern whatever it is that they intend to dominate.

I used the word dominant because to win or succeed at anything literally means dominating or master the rules, principles, and laws that it's governed by.

In today's teaching on dreams, we are about to unearth the revelation behind the mystery as to why certain matters in our lives are still challenging us even after much prayer, fasting, and coming in agreement with others, etc.

A friend of mine was very much frustrated in regards to some negative behavioral patterns that were resurfacing back into her life that she was fully aware were generational curses. To her amazement, she believed that these generational curses were done away with based on the intense prayers and fasting with the absence of those negative patterns. Before I go any further with this spiritual insight, many Believers of Jesus Christ have and are currently experiencing these same frustrations. They cannot understand how it is that after following the spiritual protocols laid out in scripture, they are once again oppressed by the same set of problems and situations. Some of them are even wondering if Satan's power is greater than the power of God or what could possibly be the explanation for having to deal with the same old situation again.

In an attempt to probe the source of my friend's vexing situation, I asked her if she can recall any of her dreams that she had experienced lately or during the time all of this vicious cycle had resurfaced in her life. As with most folks that I ask these questions to, they can not correlate a dream with their ongoing circumstances. Unfortunately, this is where their problems begin; and unfortunately, this is also where they lack knowledge in this vital area. She began to reveal a series of dreams that she thought had no significance or relationship with her situation. In these dreams, she's always having sexual relations with "her husband" to add to this, her husband is never acting or behaving how she knows her husband behaves in reality. A small portion of these dreams was with other people who she did not know. As far as she was concerned, her husband's dreams were good because it was "her husband" and not another person she was having sexual relations with.

I told her that the person in her dream that appeared to be her husband was not her husband. Of course, she found this difficult to believe. I further explained that due to these dreams being unchallenged by her, the generational curses she thought were once dealt with have now come to re-establish themselves via her dream to reintroduce those vicious cycles in her life.

Scripture says to us: " When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goes he, and takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so, shall it be also unto this wicked generation“, Matthew 12:43-45?

Based on the above scripture, even though an evil spirit/s can be evicted from its human host, if conditions are not being maintained to keep them out, they can return. In fact, this particular spiritual law was being played out in my friend's life. Now, let's look at a few spiritual laws used by these evil spirits to dominate the dreamer's life in re-introducing these generational curses. The first law is 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, and here is what it says, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also are transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." These masquerading spirits have transformed themselves into her husband's image to gain the trust of the dreamer. This particular spiritual law reveals to us that Satan, along with his agents, can mimic, masquerade, and impersonate people. Thus, what appeared to be my Friend's husband was an evil spirit!

Secondly, scripture says to us, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way” Matthew 13:25.
Now, let's put all of the pieces together. My friend did not know that the person pretending to be her husband in her dream was, in fact, an evil spirit masquerading as her husband. As a result, this evil spirit, which represents generational curses, decided to have sexual relations with my friend, whom she again thought was her husband. Sexual relations in a dream symbolizes "AGREEMENT OR COVENANT." My friend never resisted this spirit (disguised as her husband). Thus agreement via sexual relations unknowing to her was re-establishing the covenants of generational curses that were once addressed and dealt with. I want to make clear that everything that was taking place in my friend's dream was spiritual. If not interrupted via canceling such a dream, then it is automatic for physical manifestation to occur. Lastly, all of this was achieved by the enemy planting these evil seeds in my friend's dream, which I have repeatedly taught and, that is your dreams are spiritual, and the spirit world is the origin of all things. Thus evil spirits manipulate the dreamer from the spirit realm (their dreams) and seek covertly the agreement of their human victims to bring about the physical manifestation of their evil seeds planted in our dreams.

If you have had experiences with sexual dreams. I can assure you that these dreams usually come from a pending breakthrough for the dreamer or to re-establish evil covenants that were previously broken. Such dreams must be met with prayer and fasting because the enemy has sent everything in his camp to either stop your pending blessing or re-establish his chains of oppression in your life.

As a reminder, scripture clearly says, "Therefore my people are gone into captivity (bondage, imprisonment, incarceration, limitations, and restrictions) because they have no knowledge" Isaiah 5:13. However, we are also advised that it will be because of knowledge that the just shall be delivered: Proverbs 11:9.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Masquerading spirits in your dreams


Spiritual robbers in your dreams