Your angels are unemployed

Sometimes it requires sitting in an isolated place in complete silence while eliminating all negative thoughts that are accompanied with a demonic suggestion to hear the voice of God.

The voice of God will always be accompanied with peace and a sense of comfort. I do not know who this is for but whatever challenge you're experiencing right now, why not find yourself a place that you can welcome the still small voice of God, and you must now speak the word of God in the midst of your challenges.

As disappointing and confusing your matter may appear right now, know for sure that as with all things it IS TEMPORAL and subject to change..........

God is on your side and is patiently waiting for you to give him his word to bring change to your dislike circumstances. Scripture says the following, "Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word" Psalm 103:20.

In other words, the angels that the Lord has assigned to you are currently UNEMPLOYED simply because you refuse to speak the word of God! THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT THEY RESPOND TO! The word "HEARKENING" in the above scripture means to OBEY then ACT!

Stop crying defeat and begin declaring what God has said about your situation according to his word, God has placed his word above his name. God is watching over his word to perform it. God's Word can not return unto him unaccomplished, but it must fulfill what he has sent it to do. My friend, hear me today, by keeping your mouth close or speaking things that are contrary to what God has said in his word about your situation is considered spiritual suicide! Give your assigned angelic host employment by deploying them via THE WORD OF GOD!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Stop fooling yourself; somethings and folks have to be severed in 2015!


When you change things will change