Dreams and their Understandings pt.11-Dreaming of Houses

 In today's teaching on dreams and their understandings, we will focus on dreams that involve houses. Dreaming of a house is very common in dreams, and a house in a dream usually represents someone's life. What is even more interesting; each part of the house speaks to a specific area of the dreamer's life.

Let's seek the scriptures to prove a house represents a person and their life. The book of Matthew 12:43,44, it reads, "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a MAN, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, I will return into my HOUSE from whence I came out; and when he comes, he finds it empty, swept and garnished." Additional scriptures would be Acts 16:31 house in this case representing family, and also 1 Chronicle 17:5.

So as you would have read. A house in a dream is symbolic of the dreamer's life or that of the life of someone. Former residences such as your childhood home, a former apartment, etc., will be symbolic of delays, starting over, or inconvenient setbacks in life. Also, a new house can represent a new life or a new way of life, and an old house usually speaks of things concerning the past, especially if you dream about a house you lived in when you were young. This is undoubtedly symbolizing stuff from your past that is probably influencing your life presently and somehow preventing you from excelling or progressing currently.

Now that we have established that the house represents the person and their life, let's explore the different areas of the house that speak specifically to certain areas of the person's life. The bedroom is considered a private part of the house and always points to personal and/or intimate things. This part of the house is off-limits, particularly to those who do not live there. So if you dream of someone in your bedroom, it would generally mean someone invading or intruding into your privacy. It can also mean someone trying to enter your relationship with your spouse or significant other. The bedroom can also mean a place of rest, especially if you're in bed. These dreams should be taken very seriously because it is a warning to the dream of things pending in the spirit to be manifested naturally. This also calls for much prayer to begin dismantling this pending evil.

Bathroom: a place of cleansing confession, repentance, and or disposal. If you dream that you were in a bathroom, then the dream is attempting to convey to the dreamer that there is something in the dreamer's life that they need to confess, repent or dispose of. In most cases, it would mean that they must release something they have been holding on to that is doing more harm than good or confess something that would free them from guilt, shame, or just being uncomfortable about a particular situation.

Basement: a basement is located underneath the home. It symbolizes things hidden or discarded. Hidden as in hidden sin such as unfaithfulness, pornography, hurt, etc.

The living room and the Den speak of current events. These are places where the family discusses matters etc. Also, it speaks of realization and the ability to be comfortable in one's element.

Front porch: speak of things that are exposed or open to the public, lacking privacy, things being revealed.

A kitchen is a place of preparation, planning, passion, and toiling. A kitchen is where one prepares food, cleans dishes, or stores food. So to the dreamer, it symbolizes the dreamer preparing for something. For those who have a passion for cooking, it speaks to having a passion for certain things. However, because it is a place to store food, it could also mean studying the word and holding it in one's heart.

Roof: dreaming of a roof can represent covering and protecting the mind and thoughts. It is the same if you dreamt about the ceiling of a home; it speaks directly to the mind and thoughts of the person. For instance, let's say you had a dream of mildew on your ceiling or blackbirds on your roof. In this case, it speaks of evil thoughts attempting or invading your mind. Remember, the color black represents negative things.

Foundation: dreaming of a home's foundation represents generational, ancestral, and bloodline matters such as generational curses or blessings. For instance, let's say you had a dream where you saw snakes resting on the foundation of a home. Or let's say you had a dream where you saw clear water on the foundation of a home; this would represent generational blessings. This could mean a generational curse, particularly that of witchcraft.

Stairs in a house are interesting because going up a staircase represents promotion or elevation, and going down a staircase would mean the opposite, which would be a demotion.

If you dreamt about your property or someone else's property, it would represent territory and dominion.

Again, these are general interpretations, and one must depend solely on the Holy Spirit's aid because he is responsible for leading us into all truth.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


Understanding the dreams you dream. Part. 12-Dream manipulation


Spiritual understanding of dream symbols