Dreams Indicating Financial Oppression By The Spirit Of Poverty

I have had many conversations with folks who could not understand why they're losing all they've worked so hard for. I am always asked by them to pray that God will bless them financially to meet their financial obligations and experience financial freedom.

I want to make it unequivocally clear before getting into today's teaching; financial losses in your life do not mean that you need an economic miracle. Instead, the root of your problem could be that you're under attack by the spirit of poverty. The spirit of poverty is responsible for eating away or hijacking your spiritual blessing so that they would never manifest into physical blessings. So it isn't that God hasn't blessed you. The problem is you are entirely unaware of this spirit that has been assigned to consume your spiritual blessings to prevent your physical blessings from manifesting.

As a reminder, scripture clearly tells us that God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly (spiritual) places, Ephesians 1:3. Therefore, everything is already in place to succeed in every area of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits; consequently, they are pretty aware of spiritual laws and legalistic. They know that the spirit world is the origin of all things, so if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings from the spirit realm, the losses will manifest in the natural or physical realm.

The following are dreams that will indicate that you are under attack by the spirit of poverty. These demonic dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, explaining why you're suffering real-life financial losses.

Have you had dreams where you saw yourself walking barefooted or wearing tattered clothing or shoes? Then such dreams indicate you are under spiritual attack by the spirit of poverty. What about dreams where you saw yourself or others begging? Such a dream suggests that the spirit of poverty prevents the person from getting out of poverty and causing them to remain unemployed.

Have you experienced dreams where you're in a shopping mall purchasing goods, or what about you seeing yourself spending money lavishly in a dream? Then the dream indicates that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The evidence of such dreams is manifested in reality, for example. When a person receives financial resources, it is difficult to account for how they spent their funds, particularly when they have nothing to show as evidence of their transactions.

Some of these dreams can be very manipulative on the surface. Still, when spiritually analyzed, it can be easily determined that the enemy is robbing your financial blessings to secure physical, financial losses. Have you dreamed of seeing yourself in a private jet, owning a luxury car, living in a mansion, especially if you're currently in a financially depressed state? Well, such a dream could appear as if you are about to be very wealthy, right? Wrong! Such dreams indicate that the enemy influences or persuades you to spend what you don't have. For example, maxing out your credit cards, applying for loans, and credit at various banking institutions and merchants that you know you cannot afford or keep up with. The whole idea is to place the victim in such a position that even when finances are released into their lives, their former and current financial agreements and obligations cause them not to enjoy their increase.

What about dreams where you had goods to sell, but you could not sell them? Such a dream indicates a financial block in your life to prevent you from increasing financially. Have you dreamed of seeing your home being sold or occupied by others? Such dreams indicate significant financial losses such as foreclosure or destruction of prime property that will be almost impossible to replace or repair financially.

Do you have dreams where you are at a bank, but you are not allowed in, or the bank is closed? Then the dream indicates a block and lock on your finances. The reality of such dreams will manifest when the dreamer has folks who owe them money but cannot collect on the funds owed. The victim won a financial settlement. But finds it impossible to collect on the judgment granted in their favor.

If you have dreams where your wallet, purse, or bag is losing money, or you hid funds at a particular place in the dream, it was missing when you return to retrieve the money. Such a dream indicates that the spirit of poverty has you involved in projects that will not produce a return. Instead, it's eating away at all your financial resources. While missing monies in your dreams indicate that the spirit of poverty is stealing your spiritual, financial blessing, thus, causing funds to not manifest physically in your life.

Dreams, where your finances are being withheld or delayed, reveal that there will be a delay with your real-life finances. For example, let's say you dreamt you were at an ATM machine and when you insert your ATM card to retrieve funds, either the electricity went off, or the ATM machine stopped working. Again, the dream is indicating that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which, if not canceled, will manifest in real-life financial losses. Dreams of rats and cockroaches are a sure sign that the spirit of poverty is at work in your life. Missing properties in a dream also indicate to the dreamer that the spirit of poverty is at work. If you're having dreams where your monies are stolen, or you see yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold, then such dreams indicate a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit, a spirit of poverty.

Also, if someone is giving you money in a dream, please don't be too quick to get excited; again, these dreams can be very deceptive on the surface. In fact, most folks are deceived by such dreams. I have discovered that such dreams Satan will use on financially frustrated and desperate folks to further their financial oppression. If you had a dream where someone gave you money, however, the person, in reality, is a good person and the funds that they are presenting to you are well presented, meaning the notes are in your currency, it's in order, and clearly visible. Then such a dream is a good dream that will represent a financial increase of favor for the most part.

However, if someone gave you monies in a dream but you do not know the person or the person was someone that is a known enemy to you, in reality, then this is an evil dream, and the money is cursed money, that once you accept it, you have received a curse on your finances. Another example; is if you are given money in a dream, but the money is old money crumple and a mixture of foreign currency, then the dream indicates that someone is attempting to bring confusion and disorder to your finances. There are also dreams of someone who may be in good standing and even a Christian giving you money in a dream. However, the money is dirty, torn, or counterfeit. Such a dream reveals that masquerading spirits disguise themselves as folks you are familiar with to deceive you into placing a curse on your finances.

Such dreams must be met with spiritual force and resistance by rebuking and canceling such dreams immediately upon waking. In cases where the dreams are repetitive, you must engage with fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit. I strongly suggest you saturate your prayers with relative scriptures to destroy the curse of poverty over your life during fasting. The following scriptures would examples. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19. "The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children" Psalm 115:14. "The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow" Deuteronomy. 28:12. 

Based on spiritual laws. The spirit of poverty's only access to your life could only be through a covenant that, more than likely, you were not aware of. Therefore you must renounce and revoke all evil demonic covenants established in our lives, whether done via generational curses, dreams, etc. Ask God to reinstate his original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


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