I promise you, God has not forgotten you!

There are so many of you that are challenged to the point of confusion as to when will someone help you!
God has moved upon you greatly in expressing kindness, compassion and meeting the needs of others with the little that you have.

However in spite of your needs and unmet desires, your passion to help and serve others is still alive in you. Nevertheless, this does not dispel the relentless, repetitive thoughts that's trafficking in and out of your mind as to when will God's promises made to you for helping others manifest itself.

Well my friend, God knows your heart and he's quite aware of the challenges of your mind and what appears to be unfair to you. However, his plans for you far exceeds your temporary discomfort. Your obedience in continuing to do what he's impressed upon you to do, even while your needs are seemingly barely being met will in time pan out an immeasurable reward for you. Faithfulness is key!

The lord wants me to not only encourage you today but to remind you of his word which says, "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shown towards his name, in that you have ministered (served) to the saints, and continue to minister" Hebrews 6:10.

As a reminder to you my friend, the law of temporary dictates that there is a time and season for every purpose under the sun, Eccl 3:1. Those whom you are serving, it is indeed their time and God has chosen you to provide their fruit in their season in spite of you being fruitless. Well, Just as you in your kindness, love, compassion and giving to others in spite of your afflictions and fruitlessness, God almighty has commissioned someone to do likewise towards you in abundance.

The promise of God is clear and it says, "He that gives water to others shall one day be watered himself" Proverbs 11:25. Scripture further advises us of the following, "The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in DUE season. Thou open their hands and satisfy the desire of every living creature" Psalm 145:15-16

I promise you, the kindness you've planting in the past has an assigned date to produce fruits for you in the future!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Understanding Destiny


Dreaming of Snakes Part 1