Curses Obtain Through Cursed Property

Scripture says, "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
Luke 16:18

I am left in utter confusion with the above statement being said. While the "Holy Ghost filled" 'Saved for thirty years," believers are chained to defeat, limitations, setbacks, and reduced quality of life. At the same time, I observe the non-believers of Jesus Christ knowingly or unknowingly operating by spiritual principles and reaping those principles' benefits.

While the non-believer of Jesus Christ may not qualify in spending eternity with Jesus Christ when they die, they will indeed have an above-average quality of life based on the application of spiritual laws, again, whether they are aware of those laws or not.

Today in our revelatory, insightful teaching on cursed properties, we will navigate our focus on curses acquired through cursed properties. While this may seem impossible or too hard to believe, the understanding that is about to be unfolded will change your perspective and advance your knowledge in spiritual matters.

Is there such a thing as curse property? As sure as night follows day, there is such a thing as a cursed property. The first biblical story I would like for us to review is the story concerning Joshua, the children of Israel, and Jericho. Scripture records that after the walls of Jericho had fallen, Joshua, the then leader of the children of Israel, stood before the land of Jericho and said the following, ""May the curse of the LORD fall on anyone who tries to rebuild the town of Jericho. At the cost of his firstborn son, he will lay its foundation. At the cost of his youngest son, he will set up its gates." Joshua 6:26.

Now, from a fundamental visible standpoint, it would appear as if Joshua was just ranting mere meaningless words. However, the spiritual implications imposed on the land of Jericho would be life-changing for many. Approximately 600 years after Joshua cursed the land of Jericho, it is further recorded that there was a man by the name of Hiel, a Bethelite, who have had zero knowledge of the curse imposed on Jericho almost 600 years prior decided to redevelop Jericho. According to Scripture, as he was laying the foundation to reconstruct Jericho, his first son by the name of Abiram died, and as he was about to set up the gates of Jericho, his youngest son by the name of Segub died. Scripture made it unequivocally clear that this was due to what Joshua spoke over the city of Jericho 600 years prior, I Kings 16:34. Question! What words have been spoken over your car, home, your property that you have zero knowledge of? What was done to your property could be the source of the chaos you're experiencing?

Let's take it a step further. Scripture tells us that God said to Jeremiah not to take for himself a wife nor have sons or daughters in the land he was currently at. God specifically said through the prophet Jeremiah that the sons and daughters and the mothers and fathers that begat them will suffer grievous death. He went on to say that they would be consumed by famine and that their carcasses would be consumed by the fouls of the air and that no one would lament for them and that they would be like dung on the face of the earth, Jeremiah 16:1-8. The reality is God was saying to Jeremiah that any connection to that land that was apparently under a curse will pan out utter misery for him or anyone that associates themselves with that land. Scripture further records that God said to Jeremiah that the day will come when the inhabitants ask why all this evil has come upon us. God said to tell them that this evil is a result of their forefathers having abandoned the Lord and decided to serve other gods. Additionally, he said that this current generation has done worse than their forefathers. Question! Isn't it strange how everyone from a particular state, community, village, Island, or country exhibits specific negative behavior? Such as Adultery, dishonesty, sexual perversion, lying, etc.?

Based on these teaching, have you ever wondered what actually took place on that particular piece of land that has secured a consistent negative cycle for all the inhabitants there? Don't you find it strange that all the men and women from "a certain place" have either been diagnosed with cancer or died from cancer? Let's bring it home to you. How come everyone from your town or settlement has financial difficulties? Why do most women from a particular place during their first and second pregnancies end with a miscarriage? What about all the men from a specific part of your state who seem to have mental issues?

In Judges 6, it is recorded that the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and consequently, the Midianites literally took over their land. The Midianites literally made them a stranger in their own land. In fact, it was almost as if the promised land was working against the children of Israel. It would be discovered later that Gideon's father had erected an altar in his home and was serving other gods. As a result, the land became cursed for the children of Israel. Question! Which member of your family has planted whatever on that land has caused the ground to become unfruitful, no one wants to purchase it, can't get it rented, etc. Better yet! How come everyone occupied that land sickness, confusion, fatigue, and non-progress have become a way of life for them?

In Deuteronomy 7, God specifically told the children of Israel just before they traveled into Canaan not to marry or forge covenants with the inhabitants of Caanan. God further advised that the children of Isreal destroy by fire the Canaanite's images, jewelry, altars, and groves. The reason for this was due to the land being cursed. As a result, the inhabitants of that land served other gods and dedicated all they owned to the gods. Anyone who made covenants with them or shared their property would automatically be cursed. Question! What is the origin of your jewelry? What about that stuff you got from that yard sale, and ever since you brought it into your home, your home has become a place of torment? What about that new relationship? How come every one of their countrymen possesses that same controlling attitude?

As a heads up, do you know that burying items and concoctions on your property accompanied with rituals is an affirmation in the spirit realm of concealing your destiny, and anything that is not supposed to be buried is placing whom or whatever in spiritual bondage? This physical activity, along with incantations, will spiritually oppress and suppress the victim's life and manifest physical hardship, setbacks, and non-progress for that individual. Your blood, hair, fingernails clippings, photos, and clothing containing your DNA, such as sweat, etc., represent you and identify you in the spirit realm. This is why folks of the occult are adamant about retrieving these items from you so that they can be buried or spiritually tied up, all to stop your progress in life via spiritual means. 

As a reminder, I started out this article by quoting the following Scripture, "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."
Luke 16:18. I am convinced this is so simply because the children of darkness understand that everything begins from the spirit realm. Thus, they focus their attention on that area to secure sure results. On the other hand, the believers are engaged in everything except the spirit world.

In Joshua 9, the children of Israel made a covenant with the Gibeonites whereby the children were not to harm or even kill the Gibeonites. Years later, King Saul killed the Gibeonites and, as a result, brought evil upon the land of Israel, which resulted in a famine for 3 years during the time of King David's reign. Therefore, the land was barren and unable to produce during that time. Again, the ground itself was cursed and its inhabitants because of what King Saul did in the past. Question! What evil covenant was established on your property via witchcraft, and due to the demonic sacrifices offered to other gods, all hell has broken loose on that property.

Some of the signs that would identify generation curses acquired through cursed properties are:

-Never able to complete projects on that property

- Constant sickness among the inhabitants of that property

-You are never able to prosper while on that property

- Almost impossible to be married or have children while on that property

- While on that property, you're plagued with confusion and frustration

- Strange noises in the buildings of that property along with strange odors

- Almost impossible to maintain relationships while on that property

- Vehicles, machinery, and electrical equipment are always in need of repair

- The inhabitants of that property are prune for mishaps and misfortune.

The above signs are just a few of the myriad issues one will experience while residing on a cursed property. Please! Take a moment and ask God to make it clear if the property you own, rent, or occupy is under a generational curse, and as a result, you're being challenged by it. Ask God to provide you with the necessary knowledge to deliver you from this position you've found yourself in. This is necessary because Scripture says, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9.

My friend, if there is one thing that I know about deliverance, you must first want to be delivered. Stop suffering unnecessarily and begin to fight back with the spiritual knowledge that God has provided for you in this article.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


Time and Opportunity will always be the keys to true success


Ignorance Empowers & Renews the lease on Generational curses