Only the Author knows the ending of your story!

It doesn't matter what you may be experiencing right now, as long as you are alive your story is not over!

Scripture reminds us that Jesus is the "AUTHOR" and finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2. An Author is one who has written a book, novel, essay or poem. An Author is also defined as one who is an originator or creator of anything.

Someone needs to desperately know this morning that Jesus Christ has written the script for your life and in spite of what you're being faced with the next page of your life according to the author must read VICTORY!

The lord said to tell you that no human or spirit can erase what he has already authored concerning your life. These mountains that are standing in front of you and seemingly all around you are apart of the script of your life that has been calculated before the foundation of the world all in an effort to advance you.

Only the Author knows how your story will end, in fact he says he's also the FINISHER of our faith.............

My friend, say to your mountain today, "You are apart of the script and I trust the Author and finisher of my faith, that this too will work out for my good!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The traps of distraction!


Don't cut that Devil loose just yet!