Dreams and their understanding Part 7

Sexual dreams part 1

By far, sexual dreams are some of the most common dreams one would experience. For the most part, some of these dreams are so real that it encourages the dreamer to begin pursuit of the one that they were engaged in sexual activity within the dream.

I want to warn you that sexual dreams are some of the most deceptive and manipulative you'll ever have. Firstly, sex in a dream represents covenant or agreement. Therefore whenever you see this type of activity in a dream, make no mistake it speaks of some kind of agreement you're knowingly or unknowingly participating in. Secondly, these dreams automatically indicate curses, which we'll explain in-depth in this teaching.

Most folks battling with spirits of lust, sexual immorality, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, pedophilia, masturbation, and perversion more than likely received that spirit via their dreams.

Let me explain how this works; remember, in our earlier teachings, I told you that your dreams show you things from their root/origin. Also, your dreams allow your spirit to interact with the spirit world from an observatory position for the most part. However, in the dream, the person or persons that you engage in sexual activity with is not really the person you're dreaming about. Instead, it is called the world of dreams, Masquerading spirits. Scripture reminds up of the following, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Masquerading spirits are evil spirits/Demons pretending or disguising themselves as people in our dreams that we're either familiar with, attracted to, or mere strangers.

Their purpose is to get the dreamer to open a spiritual door in their lives by engaging sexually with these Masquerading spirits in the dream (covenant, agreement). Once sexual intercourse is achieved, these evil spirits have the necessary permission to invade the dreamer's life, unknowing to the dreamer. These evil spirits are incredibly crafty and strategic in their behavior and operate within the boundaries of biblical laws to their benefit. For example, the principle that they've engaged here focuses on unity. This principle states,  "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined doing" Genesis 11:6. The principle of unity is also be found in the New Testament. "What? Know ye not that he joined to a harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh" 1 Corinthians 6:16.

The evidence of this spiritual interaction will be manifested in the dreamer's natural life. For example, during specific times of the month, the dreamer will be challenged with strong sexual desires. This is the case whether the person is married or not. Ask God to remove the spirit and close any entry into which the enemy can slip. one of the more notable signs would be an obsession with masturbation. Another sign, this person becomes obsessed with perverted sex such as anal sex, bestiality sex in public places, unprotected sex, etc. In fact, the riskier the sex, the more the victim finds it appealing. If you notice your kids change in behavior related to their sexuality, parents begin fasting and praying against open doors in that child's life (spiritual doors). Due to spiritual ignorance, the victim would never associate such behavior with their dreams.

Another sign is unfaithfulness in a relationship, especially if it's accompanied by no remorse or guilt of the affair. Being tormented by relentless sexual thoughts, all jokes, examples, illustrations, and statements becomes sexually orientated. This person also develops fetishes such as voyeurism and the like.

It is a must that I hasten to add that the longer it takes for this person to get help/deliverance, the more these sexual spirits begin to multiply in their host, to the extent this individual transitions from obsession to rape or they're turned on through violent sexual activities. I will end here due to two other parts of sexual dreams that I have to cover. I can assure you that your eyes will be open to greater realities related to sexual dreams. Stay tuned for parts 2 & 3 of Sexual dreams.

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing


Dreams and their understandings Part 8


Dreams and their understanding Part 6