Faith! Is it necessary, and if it is, why?

The world's system is set up, whereas just about everything requires money in exchange for something else—clothing, homes. Services, even some so call places of worship, basically attempt to convince their followers to somehow exchange money for salvation, healing, deliverance breakthroughs, etc.

Today, I want to teach on faith and the necessity of it. Most folks that attend church do not fully understand the importance of being there. Some follow because they're depressed, some need money, others seek a breakthrough or even a miracle.

However, even though these things are good and well, there is a requirement to obtaining these things. I mentioned earlier that money is exchanged for goods and services in our world system. Well, with the things of God, faith would be that material of trade needed in God’s spiritual economy to obtain miracles, breakthrough, healing, money, etc.

Please be very attentive as to what I am about to say next. It could possibly change your way of thinking concerning your theology of faith. Our bible is unequivocally clear, and it says, “It is impossible to please God without faith.” So far, we can determine that there can be no forward movement in breakthroughs, miracles, healings unless we sought out this faith thing first.

Considering that it is impossible to please God without faith, it is only logical that we discover the Bible's definition of the word faith. Now for the Christians reading this, I know that your minds instantly retrieve Hebrews 1:1, which says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, Ok! But what does all of that mean? Evidence, substance, hope, is this a cryptic code or a language that is only privy to Christians? To the average person, it is yet to be defined.

To understand faith, one must first understand what it’s not. Faith is not just to believe; when asked what faith is, the average person will say to you, to have faith, you have to believe something. This is partly true. Nevertheless, there is more to faith than just believing.

Here is the biblical meaning of that scripture. Now the scripture begins by saying, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.” Now indicates something immediately, and substance is defined as a material or source of something; hope is to expect something. Scripture continues it’s
Clarification of faith by stating it is the evidence of things not seen. Evidence of anything is to have proof or something tangible to support its existence.

So far, we have to agree, faith is more than just a belief. To understand the entire concept, one must eliminate what you know faith to be naturally because its meaning is entirely spiritual (2Cor 2:14). So faith is the actual material for the things that I am expecting, and this same faith is the proof of the things I am hoping for. Wow! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Remember I told you the meaning was entirely spiritual.

Here is the revelation of the spiritual meaning of faith. Firstly, the bible states that this faith comes only by hearing and hearing the word of God. If faith comes only by hearing, then what I am hearing must be God’s word. So, in essence, faith must be the word of God, folks. So, yes, faith is to believe something, but that something’s substance must be what God’s word says about it.

Ok! Let’s put it all together now that we know the definition of faith. Remember, it is impossible to please God without faith or belief in his word. Secondly, faith is the substance, or God's word is the material of things that I am expecting, and the belief in God's word is the proof of the things I don’t see. Meaning as a convinced believer of God’s infallible word, I am not interested in what I don’t see but overly concerned about what God’s word says about what I expect to see……… my God, I love this revelation!

As a result of this valuable piece of knowledge, isn’t it clear why the bible said it is impossible to please him without faith because faith is his word- he is the word-the word is faith

Jesus said to the man who wanted to be healed from blindness, "According to your faith or the word of God in you be it unto you." The bible goes on to say that the just shall live by what? FAITH.

Again it is rehearsed in our hearing, for we walk by FAITH and not by sight. Folks, all things of God as it relates to us will only be achieved, received, accomplished, or granted by FAITH, or the word of God, which is faith, that is relative to what God has either promised us or what we’re expecting from him.


Obtaining God's Direction Through Our Actions


Who God Bless no man can curse. Really?